"If you're gonna kill one of us, it's probably not the best to announce it." Bellamy said to Murphy.

Murphy laughed under his breath.

"You're not really a member of the Guard are you?"

Seriously? That's so obvious.

"No. The real guard will be here soon, unless we stop it."

Why would he want to stop people from the Ark from coming down here?

"You don't actually think that they're going to forgive your crimes. Even if they do, then what? Guys like us, are gonna become model citizens now? Get jobs? If we're lucky, maybe pick up their trash."

"You got a point?" Murphy's bitch said.

One of them actually speaks.

"No, I got a question. They locked you up. Dumped you down here like lab rats to die. So why are you helping them?" Bellamy said.

I don't think they even know that I'm standing right next to them.

"Hell we are!" Murphy's bitch argued.

"You're wearing those bracelets, aren't you? Right now, those things are telling them whether or not they can come down here."

Is he asking them what I think he's asking them?

"Ok, so you said we could stop it. How?" Murphy asked.

"Take them off."

My eyes widened out of my head. We can't take these off! We will have no doctors, engineers, or anything to keep us alive. The Ark will think we're dead. Wait.... I'm guessing that's kind of the point. I started to slowly walk away from them and over to Wells. I snuck away quietly so they wouldn't see me. But guess what.... with my luck-

"Angel. Get back over here."

I sighed. My luck is just the best, isn't it? I turned around and walked back over to Bellamy. He now stood across from me and had his arms crossed. He was towering over me, but he's just so gorgeous, I can hardly notice...... what the hell am I saying?

"I know you heard everything I just said." He told me.

"You can't take those wrist bands off. The Ark will think we're dead if we do. Don't you want you want everyone that you love on the Ark to come down here?"

"Octavia is the only person I have left that I love. She's all that I have." He said, quietly.

I suddenly felt sadness take over my body. I knew exactly how he felt. The only person I have left that I love is Finn.

"I know how you feel. My parents were floated the day Finn and I got arrested. I never saw Finn again until today...... I was at that dance the night Octavia was arrested. I saw her get taken away from you. She's my best friend. I know how it feels to get the people you love taken away from you."

He didn't say anything. He just kept his head down and didn't look at me.

"We can't take those wrist bands off. We need doctors and engineers to help us start lives down here. We can't just live in a camp for the rest of our lives. Just don't do this." I said.

He finally looked at me and his eyes met mine.

"We have to. I'm sorry."

And after that, he walked away from me, leaving a speechless Elena. Why is he doing this? Something is going on with Bellamy. I'm going to find out what it is.

"Why so confused, Angel?"

I turned around and I saw Murphy. Why does this guy always want to talk to me?

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