chapter 12

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Today was the day of the Ed Sheeran Concert. And in three days from now I would be officially moving to London. But more importantly than anything…

Today was the day. Today was the day that I was looking so forward to, but also dreading. I was so excited to see my four best friends, and then there was Harry. A part of me was dying to see him – to see his crystal green eyes, his winning smile framed by his infamous dimples, his perfect pink lips and the curls – I longed to take in every single detail of his flawless body. But another part of me was afraid of the possibility that Harry had moved on and left all of his feelings for me behind when he drove away those months ago, and that as soon as his eyes met mine the walls would come crashing down and all of my Harry feels would flood my heart. I didn’t want to fall helplessly in love with him all over again because I knew if things didn’t work out I couldn’t bare to live without him. I had trouble admitting it to myself, after I had tried so hard to get him out of my mind, but I knew a part of me never stopped loving him. I was more than ready to see him, but at the same time I wasn’t ready at all.

I was on a train to London lost in my own thoughts with my headphones in and a magazine in my lap. Tonight I’d be staying at the boys flat after the concert, and Louis would be picking me up from the station. Louis and Niall had their sound checks for their opening numbers for tonight yesterday, and today Zayn, Liam, and Harry would be having theirs. I was relieved the first two people I would be seeing were the ones I was most comfortable with, and the ones I could get the lowdown on Harry from. I sat impatiently on the train, pumping myself up for tonight, with the ginger Jesus’ voice swimming around my ears. I flipped through the magazine checking out the latest fall trends and celebrity gossip and suddenly the sound of my shattering heart interrupted Ed’s beautiful voice. 


The curly haired charmer was spotted late at night a few days ago with a mystery blonde. Does this mean the end for Larry Stylinson?

I stared at the picture, the sight of him making me miss him even more. Is Harry Styles taken? The headline hit me like a fist straight in the gut. But that girl... who is she? Had Harry found someone else? I wanted to cry right then and there, but I couldn’t let the tears fall. I felt so stupid. I shut the magazine and shoved it in my bag, closed my eyes and desperately tried to convince myself that I didn’t care.

“CHARLIE!” a familiar voice screamed as he ran toward me at the station. I dropped my bags and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso.

“Louis Tomlinson I have missed you more than words can describe,” I said kissing his cheek. “I don’t know Charlie, I think us five missing you definitely out weighs you missing us!” he said to me, his mouth his eyes and heart all smiling. He grabbed hold of my bag and we made our way to his car. I climbed into the passenger seat, buckled my seatbelt and looked over at him. 

“I’m so nervous” I blurted out.

“He’s not home, you won’t even see him ‘til he’s on stage tonight love. You have plenty of time. What are you nervous for?”

“I spent the last three months trying to forget about him, but being here, knowing I’m going to see him tonight… I don’t know Louis. I’m just afraid. I don’t want to get my hopes up.” I sighed and looked out the window, taking in my future home. Louis comfortingly put his hand on my knee and we drove in a comfortable silence.

I’m sure I was the envy of many girls, making my way up to none other than One Direction’s flat where I would be staying the night. Louis unlocked the door and we were greeted by my favorite jolly Irishman.

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