Chapter 16

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I'd inflated like a balloon. My stomach was round and bulbous. We were picking the guys up at the airport today and I was a bit nervous for Derek to see me. I'd changed a lot over the past months. My hair was now grown into a cute bob and was a dark brown with auburn highlights. I was "fat" as a whale. Also I'd taken out most of my face piercing except for my septum. I just loved that one way to much to get rid of. I pulled on a dark blue and white striped sundress, brown strappy sandals, a tan fedora with a whit stripe going around it, and a charm necklace Lacy had gotten me. I did my makeup lightly and put in all white tunnels. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs to where Lacy was waiting for me. "Ready to go sexy mama?" she asked cheerily. Lacy had also changed. She'd died her hair a light brown with blonde highlights and didn't dress the same. I guess we'd both matured over the months. This whole baby thing had really change us. "Yep let's go" I said as I walked out to the car. I got in the passenger side as Lacy got into the driver side. It was about a 20 minute drive to the airport and being pregnant I easily got car sick. My face had turned green while we were driving. Finally we arrived at the airport and if I hadn't been super pregnant I would've gotten on my hands and knees and kissed the ground. We went in and waited at the gates. Suddenly people started walking through the gates and that's when I saw the band. First came Ronnie then Ron the Jacky then Ryan and I was still looking for Derek. "Holy shit" Ryan said when he saw me. I smiled at him widely. He rushed over to me and picked me up. "I'm gonna be an uncle!!!" he yelled happily. The rest of the guys joined in the excitement. "Where's Derek?" I asked still looking around. As I said that I saw him walk out talking to a rather slutty looking flight attendant. She was all over him and I don't know if it was my hormones going crazy or what but it really pissed me off. "Fuck this" I murmured before turning around and storming out of the airport. Ryan ran after me and grabbed my arm. "Lexi it's alright they were just talking" he said. "No fuck him. Instead of coming to see his pregnant girlfriend that he hasn't seen in 5 months he stands around and chats with some skank!!" I yelled. All the other guys came running out with Derek right behind them. "Holy fuck" he said as he saw me. He ran over to hug me but I pushed his hands away. I glared at him before walking away as fast as I could considering I was fatter then a whale. "Fuck Alexis wait!!" I heard him yell from behind. "Who the fuck was that!?!" I yelled at him and pushed his chest roughly. He grabbed my hand before I could pull away and just pulled me closer. He grabbed the small of my back as he held my hand to his chest and kissed me tenderly. Instantly I melted into the kiss. He pulled back and smiled at me. "You're still not forgiven" I pouted. He smacked my ass and smirked. "I'll make up for it later" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "The baby's happy to see you" I smiled as I held onto my stomach as the baby kicked. Derek smiled at me before putting his hand on my stomach as the baby kicked some more. Tears came to his eyes and he bent down and kissed my stomach. I softy stroked his hair as he held onto me. "This is my baby" he cried. I nodded as I started to cry too. Derek stood up and kissed me again. I looked to my left to see all the guys and Lacy watching us. "Alright this isn't the movies" I said to them causing them to laugh. "I told them to not tell me the gender until you got back so we could find out together" I told him. "Thank you" he said softly. "Your hairs growing back" he pointed out. "Yah I dyed it, does it look alright?" I asked self consciously. He nodded furiously "You always look beautiful" he said before kissing me again.

~3 hours later~
"Well I was going to say we could go out for celebratory drinks, but since we've got preggers here that is out of question" Ronnie said as we sat in their living room. "Well how about this someone can go and get Willow and we can all eat dinner here" I suggested. Ronnie grinned widely at the sound of his baby. "I take that as a yes, Ronnie go and get her, the rest of you go to the store and Lacy and I will have something ready for you when you get back" I directed. I ran upstairs and grabbed my guitar quickly while Lacy set up her drumset downstairs. Quickly I changed into my only dark clothes that still fit me, a black pair of maternity skinny jeans and a white tank top, my boobs practically spilled out of the top, to cover that up a but I pulled on my leather jacket, black combat boots, and black beanie. I put in my septum piercing and forcefully put in my lip piercing. I also did my makeup quite dark. I walked downstairs and saw Lacy had also gotten decked out. "Here you left this at my house" she said handing me my favorite pair of suspenders. I smiled and put them on so they were hanging loosely by my legs. At the same exact time all the guys came in the house and stopped dead in their tracks when they saw us. They all got goofy grins on their faces and Willow clapped happily. "Well I thought that since I told you guys I played guitar I met as well show you what I can do." I said smiling before Lacy and I began to play. I sang Self Destruct Personality and nailed the screaming parts. I shredded on the guitar while while Lacy did fantastic on the drums. The guys stood there in awe. "I didn't know you could sing" Derek said with wide eyes. "Well you never asked" I said shrugging. "That was great" Jacky said happily. Lacy bowed and well I tried, but I couldn't manage it. This caused the guys to laugh. "Yah I think we need you instead of Jacky and Ryan" Ron joked. "Sorry but if I scream like that again I think I'll go into labor" I said sitting down. Derek came over and let me lay my head on his lap while he pushed back my hair. "I'm gonna go and change" I said getting up and waddling up the stairs. I heard footsteps behind me and when I turned around I saw Derek following me. "What?" I asked. "I wanna see" he said pointing to my stomach. "You're so weird" I laughed, but let him follow. I got out of my clothes and turned around showing him. "Well here it is" I said gesturing to my stomach. When I turned around to face him he began to cry. He rested his forehead on my stomach and kissed it lightly. "I love you so much Alexis" he said softly. "I love you too Derek" I said back. I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him passionately. I let go of him and pulled on a white v-neck and plaid pajama bottoms. I washed of all my makeup and pulled my hair back into a small ponytail. I pinned back my bangs and pulled a red bandana around it. "You know Lexi you even look hot when you're pregnant and in pajamas" Derek said whilst pulling me onto his lap. I kissed him again and then pulled him up and dragging his back downstairs. I smiled when I saw people already cooking. "You guys I was going to do that" I scolded. "Lou you're pregnant, just sit back and relax" Ronnie scolded right on back. "I know Willows been missing you" he added. I smiled and ran over to her picking her out of her high chair. "Come on you're going to hang out with Aunt Lexi" I said as I spun her around in the air. You know this really made me happy to be pregnant.

So We Meet Again (Derek Jones Love Story)(SEQUEL TO I LOVE YOU MR.JONES)Where stories live. Discover now