Chapter 4

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"Woah" Derek mumbled as we pulled apart. I looked at my shoes not sure what to do at this point. "Derek I never stopped loving you." I practically whispered. He pulled my chin up with his index finger and thumb. Our eyes met and slowly he kissed me. My hands came up to either side of his face and I intensified the kiss. We broke apart and I suddenly became very shy. He chuckled at me before looking up. His smile dropped and when I turned around my eyes were met by the last person I really wanted to see, Jenine. To say I hated her was an understatement. I loathed everything about her. "What is she doing here?" I asked Derek. He looked at the ground suddenly very interested in his shoes. "You're with her aren't you?" I said quietly. "Alexis listen" he said. "No she's always been you're first choice, you'll always pick her over me. I bet you were praying for us to breakup so you could go right back to her, didn't you!! She cheated on you Derek, you're a fucking moron!! You can't see the difference between sex and love!! She doesn't love you Derek she doesn't even care about you the way I do!!" I yelled breathing heavily. Someone had turned off the music and all was quiet. I was on the verge of tears. "Then you led me on like that!!!" I yelled. "Hey you kissed me first!!!" he yelled back. "Yah because I love you, dick!!!" I yelled. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the state of pure rage I was in, but I smacked the hell out of him. His head flipped with impact. "You were a mistake" I whispered before walking out of the house. I heard people yelling my name and chasing after me. When I turned around Lacy, Chris, Kuza and Greg were all behind me. "How could he do that?!?" I cried falling to my knees. Lacy ran over and wrapped her arms around my sobbing figure. "He's confused" she whispered. I shook my head "No no no no NO NO NO!!!"" I said quietly then began to yell. I was pulled up into somebody's arms. When I looked up it was Greg holding me. "I'm going to bring her home" he said. Everyone said they were going to come with. Greg and I drove in a car together and followed by everyone else. The ride was silent and filled with my sniffling. Greg kept one hand on my knee the entire time. We arrived at our house, or his house, or was it my house? I had no clue. Well either way we arrived there. Chris came and helped me out of the car and carried me inside. I heard Lacy talking on the phone to someone, but I didn't know who. Lacy and I took the bed while the guys got the couches. I fell asleep crying with Lacy's arm wrapped around me. That night was a restless night. Sleep did not come easily for me.


I woke up that morning exceptionally early. I groaned when I remembered I'd have to go into work. Lacy was nowhere to be seen, so I knew she'd woken everyone else up to. I didn't wake up in a good mood actually it was a terrible mood. It wasn't like I was mad I just felt invisible. Like there was no reason to live anymore. I guess this is what being depressed feels like. The smell of coffee finally pulled me out of bed. They were all talking in hushed tones. "Morning" I murmured to everyone. They all smiled at me and said good morning. "You know what I need?" I said. "What would that be?" Kuza asked. "A rebound" I said quietly. They all laughed, but they knew I was totally serious. "Well I know plenty of those" Lacy said. I snorted and took a long drink of my coffee. Tonight I was going to have meaningless sex with some dude. We finished breakfast and I went to get dressed. I changed into a pair of skinny jeans, bright red combat boots, a grey tank top and a leather jacket. I did my makeup and put in all my piercings before walking out into the living room. I had some things to get done today and Derek was not going to ruin that. "Umm Alexis can I tell you something?" Lacy asked hesitantly. "Of course Lace" I said. "Well I kind of have a a date sort of thing with Jacky Vincent" she told me. "Ok good luck" I said. "You're not upset?" she asked. "No" I stated plainly. Inside I was scared though, that meant that they'd be together and sooner or later I'd have to see Derek again. She nodded and then looked at me again. "Ronnie wants you to meet Willow" she said. How the fuck is she already friends with them, they were my friends not hers. Why the hell was she telling me this? "Awesome" I said suggesting I didn't really care. She hugged me and left with Kuza and Chris. Greg was the only one left behind. "So you're gay" I said breaking the awkward silence. "Yep" he said simply. "Why were you with me then?" I asked. "My parents didn't know and I really wanted to believe I was straight" he said quietly. "You could've told me I would've understood" I said. "I was so scared" he said shaking his head. "You shouldn't be scared of who you are" I said hugging him. He nodded and hugged me back. "We're going to have to tell people the wedding is off and you're going to have to come out of the closet" I said pulling back. He sighed and nodded his head. I really did feel bad for him. He couldn't help who he was. "Fine, but if I'm going to do that you're going to be with Derek you can't be afraid to be with the person you love" he said. I nodded, but on the inside I was really scared.

So We Meet Again (Derek Jones Love Story)(SEQUEL TO I LOVE YOU MR.JONES)Where stories live. Discover now