Chapter 17

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"Ugh Derek" I groaned as I heard the tv blasting downstairs. When I looked at the clock I saw it was one in the afternoon. Damn I never sleep this late. I dragged my lazy ass out of bed and pulled my hair up before walking downstairs. When I walked into the living room I saw Derek and some chick talking with the rest of the band. "Hey baby" he said as I sat down. "Morning or afternoon" I grumbled. "Oh Penny this is my very pregnant girlfriend Alexis" Derek introduced us. "Hi it's nice to meet you" I said happily "Sorry if I would've known we were going to have company I would've straightened up." I said while shaking we hand. In my opinion I think she was still having her scene kid phase and wasn't very good at it. Her hair was choppy with the color faded and a very infected lip ring. "Yah diddo" she said uninterested. I gave Derek a look and he just shook his head. The guys looked at me with frantic because the knew exactly what was coming and it was not going to be pretty. "I'm sorry is it someone's time of the month" I said pointedly. "Listen preggers we don't need you here at the moment so you can just scurry on off" she said with a shooing hand motion. I felt my blood boil. "Umm excuse me bitch but this is my motherfucking house and you look like a fucked up version of Gem and the holograms so please get the fuck out quietly and calmly before I have to go Shane on your ass and no one should ever go full Shane" I said quietly but forcefully. She flipped her crusty ass hair and looked at the guys like they were going to say something. "Who the fuck are you anyways!!" I yelled at her. "I'm their manager" she said matter of factly. I guess I never actually thought that they'd get a new manager. "Well bitch you're fucking being let go, they have a manager now get the fuck out of my god damn house!!" I yelled at her. She got up and stomped out of the house. "Alexis what the fuck we don't have a manager!!" Ryan yelled. "Umm bitch yes you do and I work for free" I said smiling at them. They smiled and hugged me tightly. It was just like old times except I was majorly pregnant and well Derek and I finally were happy, not jealous and stupid, no we were sincerely happy. "Wait but what about tours and stuff, you're going to have a baby to take care of" Jacky pointed out. "Ha assholes you guys aren't the only ones who get to have fun, she'll tag along." I laughed. "She?" Derek questioned with a smirk. "Yes I know it's a girl" I said matter of factly. "Yah and how is that?" Ron asked. "Mothers intuition" I smirked. The guys burst into laughter and I joined in. "Assholes" I said while flipping them off. "Well I hope it's a little Ruth" Derek said. "Umm what?" I asked. "Ruth a girls' name, I've always wanted to name my daughter Ruth." he told me. I shook my head rapidly. "No no no no, our child will get picked on. Hell to the no. I'll die before naming our daughter that" I said. All the guys laughed at my little outburst. "Well then what name did you have in mind?" he asked sassily. "Treasure Marie Jones" I smirked. At this point the guys looked at me like I was crazy. "What?" I whined. "That is the stupidest name I've ever heard" Ryan said. "I don't know I like it" Ronnie said, "It's different. "Yah assholes it's different" I laughed. "I guess we'll figure out the name choosing when we find out the sex" Derek said. "Well that'll be whenever you want to know, I told the doctor not to tell me the sex until you got back" I said. I could tell by just looking at him he was excited about this. Things were just getting better and better for us. I was just hoping nothing would change that.

So We Meet Again (Derek Jones Love Story)(SEQUEL TO I LOVE YOU MR.JONES)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt