With one last sigh, Rowan slipped on her boots and laced them up as well before tying them tightly into a knot. Then, pushing herself off of the edge of her bed, she walked over to her mirror and began to style her hair.

Separating her silver locks into two parts, she braided each part close to her scalp, then joined the two braids into one at the base of her neck and let the rest fall over her shoulder. Satisfied with her look, she gave herself a quick nod then slung her back and bedroll over her shoulder and made her way downstairs and to the courtyard.

As she walked out of the main doors, four servants were handing out packaged food to each combatant for the journey. Rowan was impressed with their hard work and was grateful to whoever thought of the idea.

"Here you are my lady," a young maid who was no older than fourteen said as she handed out a stack of food that had been tied together with thick yarn.

Rowan grinned and took it and bowed her head with gratitude, "Thank you, I am much obliged."

The young girl smiled back and flashed her crooked teeth, then handed the next person their food.

Rowan scanned the crowded court yard and noticed just how crammed everyone was. With well over six hundred soldiers in total including all the ones from the eight kingdoms and the soldiers from the High Palace and a horse for each person, the spacious and vast courtyard now felt like a crowded prison cell.

Rowan spotted the Gladeswomen easily though by their fair hear and maneuvered through the swarm of bodies until she finally reached them.

She was surprised to see Bjorn perched on top of his black stallion talking away to her mother who was stifling a laugh at something he said and she studied the scene as it warmed her heart. His long raven curls hung loosely to his ears and his green eyes held a mischievous glint. He wore a forest green long-sleeved shirt that clung to his muscles and reached his thighs, as well has a dark brown pair of trousers and fur lined boots. He wore a thick leather vest with a collar that stood up half an inch and a pair of long black bracers that were very similar to her own. His bed roll was fastened behind his saddle and on each side of his stallion were two large saddle bags as well has a sword and bow, and over his lap lay a thick looking coat with a hood if the temperature would drop anymore.

Queen Lana, on the other hand, wore a pair of maroon tights with a navy blue tunic with a smaller leather tunic on top as well as a long light blue cloak that was draped over her shoulders and fell onto her horses rear. Her hair was intricately styled and piled on top of her head.

Rowan had not seen her mother suited for battle for many years and it was very refreshing to see her in such a manner.

"Good morning," Rowan greeted as she neared the two. They both grinned widely at her as she began to fasten her bed roll and pack to her saddle.

"You look beautiful," Bjorn said, looking her over. It reminded him of the first time he laid eyes on her as she entered the camp long ago. It had felt like it was a life time ago but in reality it had only been a few months.

Rowan blushed as she strapped down her bed roll tightly. "Thank you," she said softly before meeting his gaze.

"You two remind me of my younger self. Oh to be young again," Queen Lana said with her grin still plastered onto her face.

"You are still young my Queen, and quite beautiful if I may add," Bjorn said with a wink. Rowan rolled her eyes as she put her foot in her stirrup and mounted her horse.

Queen Lana through her head back and laughed, "Oh Bjorn, you are too kind. It is no wonder why my daughter has fallen for you, as you are quite the charmer."

Bjorn gave her a crooked smile before looked to Rowan triumphantly. She only scowled in return, causing both Bjorn and her mother to laugh once more.

As they waited for the rest to get settled and mount their horses, Rowan chatted with her fellow sisters until someone blew into a horn, signaling everyone was ready.

As the large army slowly made its way from the Palace, families waved silently goodbye.

When they passed the house that Bjorn visited only a few nights ago, he noticed them standing outside waving as well. The tall man nodded his head and mouthed, "Farewell," as the young prince passed. Bjorn returned his bow and waved to the man's family and continued on.

Once everyone was officially off the Palace's grounds, each kingdom raised their banners as they rode in pairs to the rendezvous point of the Razoul plains through the Vernanda woodlands.

A/N: sorry for the boring chapter, it was kind of a filler lol.

P.S. Hopefully you guys can see Queen Lana up top ;p (the more vicious version lol)

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