Remember Me as Vivid as I was, Please Don't Forget Me (A Soul Eater Fanfic)

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"Can you sense any souls?" asked my partner Noel. My grip on the aero blue bow tightened preparing incase a battle unfolds. My eye scans the city below me, searching for the creature that escaped my earlier attack and for people who may become a victim to the monster.

Nodding to him, I ambulate carefully across the dirty tobacco coloured rooftops. My foot steps make no sound as I move around on the roof. The streets are barely lit, only a few street lamps and the moon kindled the pavement.

"Hey, Look down there." Noels voice phonated. I looked down and saw a prekishin limping around, occasionally bumping against buildings. 

He looked pretty small. He had spider looking legs but made of metal and its head upside down with foam coming from his mouth, two rotten fangs stuck out from its bottom lip, one eye was torn out and bleeding while its other eye was completely black with a spec of orange. The prekishin's stomach had some hair except in the center, there was a scar going across, half of its arm was cut off dripping crimson blood; the dirty olive monster groaned in pain and continued its escape.

Sighing, I pulled Noel up and pulled the string back and let go of the arrow, sending it swooshing into it's heart. It screamed as the arrow flawlessly pierced through its throat. As the prekishin exploded, two boys and a girl ran out of a corner only seeing it's red tainted soul left behind.

"What the- who did that?" Asked the girl holding a black in red scythe. She was dressed in a black coat with a yellow vest on top of a white shirt with a green tie, she had on a plaid miniskirt and ankle high boots with two straps. Her hair was a pale blonde colour put up into two small pigtails.

"WHO DARES TAKES MY SPOTLIGHT?!" yelled some freak with blue hair. His hair was spiked in all sort of directions. He had a black vest with the collar popped and long white shorts. One arm had a tattoo of a star on it.

"It appears that we have company." asked the second guy. His hair was black with only three white stripes on one side of his head. He wore a black suit and held twin pistols in his hands. His eyes scanned the area around him. He didn't bother looking up to the rooftops leaving my presences unknown.

I stayed quiet on the roof top and slowly stepped back to the darkness to hide myself from them. I observe them carefully. The girl steps forward and stares at the floating soul in front of them while squinting her eyes in confusion.

"Yeah, I can sense their soul..." says the blonde girl turning back to the dark haired boy.

Or not.

I freeze and hold my breath.

Suddenly her scythe turns into a white haired boy. Then the blue haired boys chain scythe turns into a black haired girl, and the black haired boys guns turned into two girls with blonde and dirty blonde hair.

What's with the funky colored hair? And they seem to be like me... Their weapons turn into people. I take a small glance at Noel then return my attention to the group below me.

"I can sense it too... She's close by too." Says the dark haired boy finally looking up onto the rooftops behind him.

I attempt to get away silently and take a small step backwards. I stumble slightly as my foot slips on the roof tile that is broken. Instantly their heads turn towards the sound.

"What was that? Do you see that?" asks the white haired boy pointing in our direction. Gritting my teeth I clench Noel even tighter.

My body was half in the light and half in the dark. The moonlight illuminating my bow, making it clearly visible. 

"Hey! Who do you think you are taking my spotlight?!" yelled the blue haired boy. He kind of looked like a monkey as he screamed and stomped around pointing an angry finger at me.

Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me  (Soul Eater Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя