Chapter 32

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(This is the wedding scene. I've never been to a wedding before so I did a lot of research and this was the best I could do. Please dont judge)

Today is our wedding. We started planning after our graduation. It iss going to be a small family wedding, since we spent a lot of money on our graduation party. I was able to get a decent wedding dress, long and white with ruffles at the skirt, strapless with sequins at the top. I had it custom made. Luis said I deserved a special dress and wouldn't settle for a store bought dress. I only agreed with him to make him happy. I didn't mind a store bought dress. I am at the local hair salon getting my hair pinned and curled. It is going to take a few hours since my hair is back to its starting point: my waist. I wasn't going to cut it either. Luis liked my longer hair anyways. I was very nervous. I am 18 and getting married already. Daisy wasn't married, but she just had a very beautiful baby boy. I don't know what happened to Leann. After graduation, she left with her boyfriend and she didn't tell either of us where she was going so I assumed she wouldn't be coming to my wedding. Mama was in the chair next to me, holding her granddaughter, who was babbling. She grabs my hand and holds my pinkie. Amalia Maria Lozano, my first niece and another on the way. Chano had settled nicely with Janet, a Chicana from El Valle. She has been a great wife to Chano. Hopefully I can be like that for Luis. Janet & Chano walk in a few minutes later.

"Hola Ma," Chano gives Mama a kiss on the cheek. Janet shakes her hand and gives her a kiss also. She takes Amalia into her lap. Chano smiles at me and he must have noticed my uneasiness because he questions me.

"Are you nervous, Marce?" I nod, trying not to interrupt the hairstylist. He grabs my hand and holds it tight.

"You'll be a great wife, just like Janet. Don't worry. Luis knows it also. That's why he wants to marry you." He smiles and lets my hand go. I felt less nervous. Chano had a point. Luis loves me and he knows I will be a good wife. And I will.

We leave the salon 1 1/2 hours later, with my hair pinned and curled. Now to get into my wedding dress at home. I was still a little bit nervous but I wasn't insecure. I prayed a little to keep myself calm and it worked. We got home and Mama and Janet help me into my dress, trying not to ruin my hairdo. After a good struggle, I look into the long mirror against my wall, and I was ready to cry. That couldn't be me, I thought. Mama hugs me.

"Hermosa, mi'ja. Beautiful mi'ja." Janet rubs my shoulder and then hugs me.

"You're ready Marce. Don't worry." I love Janet. She's like the older sister I always wished for and never had. Janet and Mama help me put on the rest of dress pieces and I walk out to the living room to let them get dressed. Daniel walks out his room with a freshly ironed suit. He's starting to look like Chano, the same hair and facial features but they both look like Papa. Mama walks out in a long red dress and Janet is wearing a knee length turquoise dress. Papa walks into the living room with a tuxedo, nicely groomed and neat. Chano walks in through the door with Amalia in a pink dress and him in a vest and dress pants. Amalia runs to me and hugs me. I give her a kiss on her forehead. We all walk out to the limousine and get in. Luis is already waiting for me at the church. I was really nervous now. I had many thoughts running through my head. In a few minutes I would be married to the love of my life. I sighed. We arrived at the church and we all walk out, me being last. Papa grabs my hands tight, and looks at me.

"Mi niña chiquita. My little girl. I'm proud of you." He kisses my forehead. I try to hold back my tears. He releases me and now Mama comes to me and she plays with my hair while she talks.

"Mi'ja, I love you." She also kisses my forehead. Everyone else had gone to take their seats. They were just waiting on the bride: me. Papa is ready to walk me down the aisle. I grab his arm and he walks me down the aisle. I reach the alter where Luis awaits me. I smile at him and he smiles back, showing perfect teeth. The ceremony starts, and everyone stands. The priest starts speaking. I couldn't really pay attention because I was really nervous but I caught on to the most important part as Luis spoke and grabbed my hand:

"I, Luis, take you, Marcela, to be my beloved wife, to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you always. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life."

I looked at him as he placed the ring onto my finger. I felt tears come down. I take the ring for him and do the same. I slowly place it on his finger, making sure it's not too tight. He grabs both of my hands and smiles at me. The priest continues with the ceremony.

“Do you take Marcela as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”

Luis smiles big at me as I respond, “I do.” The priest asks him and he also says I do. I feel less nervous now as the ceremony comes to an end. The priest turns to us now.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

The whole church starts clapping loudly. Luis looks at me and take a my hands as he pulls me in to our first kiss. I felt like myself as he kissed me. We pulled away as the church still clapped for us. We walk out in front of every one else and everyone follows. Outside the photographer meets us and takes an off picture of us as we kiss again. I couldn't believe I married the love of my life, after so many years, when I thought he was dead. I had blamed myself for so long for his death, but now here he is, alive and with me. I look at him and pull him in for a kiss. He picks me up and spins me around. Everyone cheers and claps for us. He puts me down and I look over at my mom and smile. I mouth the words 'I love you'. She gives me a bigger smile. At last, I could live in peace, just Luis and I.

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