Chapter 12

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We sit at the table for dinner. I helped Mama make caldo de pollo con arroz, chicken soup with rice.

"I have to leave for work at 5 in the morning everyday. And I will be home by 5 in the afternoon." Papa says to Mama.

"That is very long, Pancho."

"Yes I know, but it's all I have to do so we can stay here. He said Chano can come too. He also offered a job for you, to clean his family's home just on the other side of the cabins."

Chano looks at Papa like he's crazy. I bet he got the TV working.

"Do I have to go, papa?" He has a worried look on his face.

"Yes you do, mi'jo." Papa looks at Chano. Chano's face looks mad. I just eat my soup quietly. Papa turns to me.

"I hear the Patrón has a daughter your age, mi'ja."

"But I cannot talk or play with her, papa. I do not speak English. She does not speak Spanish." I look back down to my soup. I lost my hunger. I stir the soup around. My family finishes up their dinner and we all get up. I place my bowl in the sink & go to my room. It still doesn't feel right. But I will just have to get used to it. I lie in my bed, listening to the sounds outside. My family is still awake, making noise throughout the cabin. Chano walks in & jumps into his bed. I turn to my side, facing him.

"Chano, do you like it here?" I asked.

"Yeah. There's TV. Except I have to work with Papa." He sounds happy.

"Oh," is all I say.

"Do you not like it, Marce?"

"It feels different, but I can get used to it." I sigh and turn to my back.

"Do not be sad, Marce. Be strong. We are in America. This is good for us." He sounds like Papa.

"I will, Chano. I will." I lay on my back. The house goes silent. I hear our door open. It's Mama. She walks to my bed.

"Mi'ja, everything will be okay. Do not worry. This will be good for all of us." She pats my head and kisses my forehead.

"Buenas noches, mi'ja. Good night." She walks over to Chano's bed & does the same. She walks out our room. I have no other choice. I will have to do as they say. I hug my doll & roll back to my side. I fall into a deep sleep.

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