Chapter 18

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The weekend went by fast and it was finally Monday, which meant it was the 1st day of school. I am the first one up. I am excited to go. I rush to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I run back to my room. Chano was still asleep. I quickly change into a yellow dress and I put on my black shoes. I go to the dresser and brush out my hair. Mama comes in.

"Good morning mi amor." She gives my a kiss on the forehead. I give her a kiss on the cheek. She goes to Chano's bed and shakes him.

"Wake up Chano. It's school time." He mumbles and turns to his stomach. Mama comes to me at the dresser. She takes the brush and untangles my hair. She makes a braid from one side to the other. She places a bow at the end. She kisses my forehead again and leaves. Chano now wakes up and gets dressed. It was now 6:50 and we had to start walking. Chano holds my hand as we walk out the house. Rosa & Antonio were ahead of us. Every time I see him I get scared. I think he'll try to touch me again. I haven't told Mama or Papa about it. I shake my head and continue walking with Chano. I look at the sun as it's rising. We finally reach the corner where Elizabeth stand with her mother, la Patrona.

"Hi Marcela!" Elizabeth runs to me and hugs me. She then gives Rosa a hug. Antonio looks at me. I hide behind Chano. It doesn't take long until a rumbling bus come around the corner. Elizabeth holds my hand and pulls me to the bus. She gets in and I'm behind her. I sit next to her. Some kids look to me. Chano sits behind us with Antonio. Rosa sits on Antonio's lap. I hear whispers around. The other kids look and point at me and to the seat behind me. I try to ignore them, but they don't let me. One American girl gets in my face.

"Hey you. You don't belong here." She pulls my braid and smirks. Elizabeth turns to her and pushes her off.

"Hey! Leave my friend alone!" She hugs me and the little girl leaves us alone. After that we get to school. Elizabeth makes us wait until the other kids get off. As they get off, some kids purposely bump into me and hit me.

"Don't listen to them okay?" She smiles and gets off the bus. We all follow her. She leads us all to our rooms dropping Chano & Antonio off first. Rosa and I follow her to our room. We walk in and I saw a room full of Americans. I follow close behind Elizabeth. She makes me sit with her at a table of two chairs. Rosa sits next to us, alone. The girl from the bus walks in and walks over to Elizabeth.

"Why did you bring your maid to school?"

"She's not my maid. She's my friend. And she wants to learn. So you need to leave her alone." Elizabeth looks at the girl, mad. A bell sounds and everyone sits. An American lady comes in. She looks young. She must be the teacher. "Welcome, students to your first day of school! I hope you're happy to be here. We will be learning a lot through the year. I am your kindergarten teacher, Ms. Denison. How about we all introduce ourselves? Lets start with you." She points to the girl in the front, the girl who does not like me. She gets up and fluffs her dress.

"I am Emily Scott." She flicks her high ponytail to the side and sits back down. Everyone introduces theirselves Then the teacher comes to me. She looks at me and smiles.

"Hi darling. What's your name?" I do not know what she said to me. I look to Elizabeth. She speaks up.

"This is Marcela Lozano." Ms. Denison smiles at Elizabeth.

"Thank you, Ms. Garrett." She turns to Rosa. Rosa gets up and looks around.

"Rosa Rodriguez." She sits back down. Everyone is now done telling their names. I cannot believe I am on school. I was very happy. Till Emily makes my life horrible.

Once AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora