Chapter 19

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The first week passed by very slow for me. It might have been the first week only, but I was already learning. I had learned how to write my name. It looked ugly but Ms. Denison said I could improve. I had learned how to say a few words in English too. I knew how to count to 20 now, only stuttering on some numbers. I enjoyed coming to school, except for having to see Emily and her American friends. Her friends, Samantha Tilley, short and chubby, and Riley McCray, tall and skinny, made fun of how I sounded. I could not help it. I had a weird voice. Ms. Denison told me it would also improve overtime. Rosa was not getting made fun of. She barely talked either. She sat alone in the back next to Dillon Smith, an American boy who was not like Samantha or Riley or Emily. He was nice. He helped her with questions she had. Elizabeth helped me. With school work and with Emily. We were at recess now. It was a 30 minute break that we took after math session. I sat in the grass by myself. Elizabeth would go play on the slide with the others. Dillon would play with Rosa. I was sitting quietly watching everyone run when Emily walked over to me.

"Why are you even here? You don't belong here. Go back to your country." She said that to me as she spit in my face. Elizabeth must have seen that because she came over as quick as lightning. She pushed Emily.

"I told you to leave her alone!" She yelled at her. Ms. Denison comes over and asks what's the matter. Elizabeth tells her what she saw and Emily says she is a liar. Ms. Denison believed Elizabeth because she saw that I had spit on my face. She let Elizabeth walk me to a sink and wash my face. I thanked her and we walked back outside. Emily really doesn't like me. She gives me a mean look just like Rosa's but worse. It was time to go in for reading session. We line up and I was going to get in line Emily pushes me and I fall to the ground. I scraped my knee as I fell. Elizabeth helps me up and gets Ms. Denison's attention.

"Ms. Denison! Emily pushed Marcela." She looks at my knee and tells Elizabeth to take me to the infirmary. I walk carefully making sure I don't get blood everywhere. I was bleeding more now. We get to the infirmary and the lady cleans up my cut and places a band around it. We walk back to class 5 minutes later. Reading session had started and I get upset. It was my favorite session of them all. I open my book to match Elizabeth's and I quickly find my spot and read along. After reading session, Ms. Denison makes us take a nap. It's like sleeping but shorter. I lay down next to Elizabeth. I close my eyes and think about everything. The 1st thing that comes up is Luis. He smiles at me as he gives me the flowers at the meadow. I feel like I am going to cry but just then I feel someone grab my hair and I hear a snip! I get up and feel my hair. Someone cut the middle of my hair! I get up quickly and go to Ms. Denison. I show her what happened. She gets up and walks around the class. She sees that Emily is moving around, trying to hide something. She stands over her.

"Emily, what is that?" She asks her. Emily doesn't answer at first. Ms. Denison raises her voice and asks her again. She gets up and pulls out some scissors and a long piece of my hair. I cup my hands over my mouth. I could not believe it! My long dark hair, was ruined. I started tearing up but I held back the tears. Elizabeth comes to and hugs me. Why did she do that? What did I do to her? I still do not cry but I feel mad. I have never really been mad but I felt it now. I go to Emily and with my best English I speak.

"Why? What I did you?" I couldn't believe it. I spoke English. She looks at me surprised also. She doesn't say anything now. Ms. Denison makes napping session short and wakes everyone up. She asks us to sit at our tables.

"I want to say something and hopefully you understand." She looks serious now.

"We are all the same. No matter what our color is. It is difficult to think of each other the same but we all are humans, made by God. We should love each other and think of each others feelings. Please, I do not want to see any more mean things in this class." Everyone looks around and looks at Emily, Samantha, & Riley. They look down. I feel better now.

Once AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora