Chapter 5

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The next days go by fast and before I knew it, it was time to go. I carry a small bag of dresses of mine & my only doll in my hand. I looked around one more time. I am going to miss my friends and my rancho. We are leaving to America. What's America? What kind of people or things are there? Many more questions popped into my head.

"Vamos niños," Papa motioned us toward him. He was heading to his land, the land he worked hard in, the land that he fought for. We follow him. He looks around one more time. I stand next to him & saw the tree Luis had carved our initials into. I walk over to it. It's still there:


I put my fingers over it, wishing I could take it with me.

"Marce, lets go!" Papa shouts.

I slowly let go & walk away.

I catch up to them. Sarah, Luis, & his uncle are waiting for us. Luis has tears running down his cheeks.

"Ya listos? You are ready?" Papa asks.

"Yes," Luis's uncle says.

We start walking towards the big road at the end of our rancho.

"We will get picked up here," Papa tells us.

A red suburban pulls up next to.

A tall thick man with shades & a mustache gets out & walks over.

"Francisco Lozano," the man said with a deep voice.

Papa steps forward.

"Tiene lo que te pedimos?" He comes closer to Papa. I notice he has a gun in his pocket.

"Si." Papa pulls out an envelope & hands it over to the man with the shades.

"Cuentalo," he hands it over to a man in the truck. The man takes out some money. He counts it and nods to the man outside.

"Arriba todos!" The man yells at us. Papa helps Mama & Daniel up. I get in next, then Chano, Doña Sarah, Luis, Don Seve, & Papa gets in at last. Chano, Luis, & I are squeezed in tightly in the trunk and Mama, Doña Sarah, Papa, & Don Seve in the back seat. Daniel is in Mama's lap. In the seat before us is a young girl, maybe no older than 16, sitting with her mother. The whole truck stays quiet till we reach the city. Daniel starts crying.

"Shut your baby, now," the man in the shades says.

"Hazlo, Anise. Do it." Papa quickly tells Mama. She reaches for a bottle to give to Daniel. He quickly quiets down. We drive like that for a few more hours.

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