Chapter 29

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Luis has been doing better. He got out a week later, stayed at home recovering for a month, and is back on his feet this week. It was mid April and school still hadn't ended. He wanted to go back. I told him he wasn't ready. He argued that he was. I had no choice but to help him at school. We walked into 1st session this morning. Everyone was happy to see Luis back and walking. They greeted him as I helped him to his desk. Enrique just smirks. He didn't mess with me while Luis wasn't here. I was good about that. But I worry about what he'll do now that Luis is back. We had no trouble the first day but the following days were horrible. Enrique kept messing with Luis, making him mad causing his wound to hurt. I would tell Luis to calm down. He would try to but Enrique kept doing tiny things to make him get jealous/mad. I prayed Luis would try to keep peace and not hurt himself. We are in 3rd session. Enrique walks up to us. Luis is ready to pounce.
"So how is your wound doing? Found out who shot you yet?" He blows a kiss to me and walks away. I hold Luis down before he could get up. Enrique was not being serious. He had a hint of mockery in his voice. And the police haven't found the man who shot Luis. The truck seemed to have disappeared and no one matched the details of the suspect. But they assured us they will find him this week. Luis winces as he touches his wound. I help him up and sit him down properly. He looks up at me with his big sparkling hazel eyes.
"I love you Marcela. I don't want to lose you." He kisses my hand as he holds it tight.
"I love you also, Luis. You won't lose me, ever. I promise." I lay my head carefully on his shoulder.

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