Chapter 3

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It's been weeks since that night. I haven't heard Mama & Papa talk about it again. As I finish my chores, I walk over to Luis's house. I find Doña Sarah hanging clothes to dry.

"Buenas tardes. Is Luis here?"

"Si mi niña. Go through the back."

I say thank you and head through the back.

"Luis?" I try to not speak so loud. I find him sitting on a rock, his back to me.

"Luis?" I slowly approach him. Before I knew it, he came at me & gave me a big hug. I screamed loudly and hit him various times before he let me go.

"I'm so sorry," he said. He laughs & hugs me. Luis lets go and sits me down on the rock he was sitting on. He holds my hands.

"Marcela, come with me. To the meadow, just up north."

I didn't know what to say. I had never been in the meadow. Papa had always told me scary stories about what hides there.

"Luis, it's dangerous."

"I will protect you." He looks into my eyes. His eyes are big & hazel, sparkling with happiness.

"I will go with you."

He stands me up and we walk up the rocky road. The meadow is just above Papa's field. It takes us maybe 10 minutes but I'm not sure. I do not know how to tell time. We finally reach the meadow. He carefully guides me up some rocks. He picks some flowers from the tall grass and brings them to me.

"Unas flores hermosas para una flor más hermosa," he says.

I blush.

"Gracias Luis."

He climbs up the rocks and sits next to me. He then takes my hands, folds his fingers into mine, & looks at me.

"Marcela," he starts, "eres hermosa. You are beautiful. I want to grow up to be with you for the rest of my life. You make me happy." He smiles, showing his teeth.

"I want you to be mía, mine," he looks away and then back at me.

"Be my novia, Marcela."

I was shocked. Luis looks at me with puppy eyes. I wanted to say yes, but I was sure our parents would not approve.

"No se.." I start but he cuts me off.

"Our parents do not have to know. We can keep it from them."

I look at him. I think carefully. I speak.

"Si. Yes. I will be your novia."

His face brightens up quickly. He gives me a big hug. He helps me down from the rocks & holds my hand tight, probably of joy. We walk back, carefully, to our homes.

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