Chapter 21

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It's 1990. It's been 5 years since we left the field with Mr. Garrett. We are now in a small city called El Paso. It's on the edge of Texas in the west. I learned that in social studies last week. We were moved here after many days of traveling. We settled into a small neighborhood with a lot of other Mexican immigrants. We are all close here. Most of them are from my home state of Hidalgo. Papa and Mama have found jobs close to our 3 bedroom home. I barely saw them now. Mama worked all day cleaning American's homes and Papa worked as a carpenter. Chano and I are practically raising ourselves now. We feed ourselves. We clean the house. We watch Daniel. We all go to school, so there's less to worry about...

It was mid December and it was chilly. We were getting ready for school. Papa had already left for work and it was barely 6:45. Mama was preparing us a lunch. I have my own room now, since we have more rooms in this house. I put on some black pants and a pink long sleeve shirt. I sit at my dresser and look in the mirror. I touch my hair. It has finally grown out to the length I had it..before Emily ruined it. My face had not changed much. My skin got a little more tan. Who had gone through some changes is Chano. He was now 14. He is in the 8th grade. He had gotten taller and he is starting to get a mustache. And like Mama says: 'handsome'. I walk out my room and get my boots from the living room. There's a knock on the door. It must be Leann and Daisy, my best friends. We became best friends 5 years ago. They were the only ones who talked to me. Everyone else gave me the same look Rosa had given me. I'm glad I don't have to see her anymore. I open the door. There they were. Leann, an American with brown medium length hair, brown eyes, freckles, glasses, and Daisy, a Mexican immigrant from San Luis with black curly hair and hazel eyes.

"Good morning, girly," says Leann. Daisy just waves. She was eating a taco. I let them in. They tell Mama hello. I grab my lunch, give Mama a kiss on the cheek, and we walk out. We live maybe a few streets away from school so we walk there.

"Hey girls!" A squeaky voice from behind us yells. We turn around. Jason.

"Hey Jason," we all say. Jason Little was an American also. He was taller than us all and had long blonde hair, freckles, & sparkling blue eyes. He was another one who talked to me. We walk together to school. Then I realized I had forgotten about Daniel.

"Guys, I forgot Daniel!" I say panicking. Just as I turn around, I see Mama walking with him towards us.

"Silly girl." Mama tells me and walks back. I grab hold of his hand. 5 minutes later we walk into school. We all have homeroom together. We all sit together also. Away from everyone else in the back. The bells ring and Deborah Whitley , 'Miss Popular', walks in with her 'crew' Alice Franklin & Hannah Dennis. She tries to make my life bad, but it doesn't work. I got my own crew, I should say. She makes me laugh cause I knew two things:

1. She likes Jason

2. Jason doesn't like her.

She hates the fact that he hangs out with us. She tries hard to get his attention but she looks ridiculous. It's funny. Mr. Tyson comes in. He is our homeroom teacher.

"Good morning class." He has a bright smile this morning.

"Good morning, Mr. Tyson!" It was almost in unison. He smiled and turned toward the board. The first thing we do is social studies. Then reading, math, lunch, recess, science, & art, music, or computer. Those depend on what day it is. Mr. Tyson writes something big on the board:


He turns back to us.

"This week we are going to study about Mexico. Mexico is a very exquisite country. Its cultures and traditions are very interesting." I am interested in what he has to say. The other kids just snicker. He continues.

"The main language in Mexico is Spanish but other languages are also spoken, but are less common." He keeps speaking. He pulls out a small map.

"Deborah can you tell me where Mexico is located?" He gives the map to Deborah. She looks at him with disgust.

"I don't know," she looks at me, "why don't you ask Maria over there?" She points at me now. I feel my face get red. Everyone laughs but my table. They just look at her angrily.

"I was asking you, Deborah. And for that comment, you get 5 points off." He walks away. She slumps into her chair.

Later in the day, during lunch, she comes to me with her crew.

"Hey I made a mess over there. Clean it up." She laughs with them as she walks away. I get up quickly.

"I'm sorry your parents didn't teach you manners to eat properly." She turns back around.

"Excuse you." She pushes me, nearly losing my balance. I push her back. Before she could push me again, Jason gets up and gets in the way.

"Deborah, Marcela isn't a maid. She is a sweet beautiful girl. She will always be better than you, you snobby, spoiled brat." Deborah gasps at what he says. That hurt her deep because she doesn't say anything. I thank him and we sit back down.

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