| Part Five |

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     "REY!” I thunder, eyes snapping open. My body flies from the bed I’m laying on, and faster than lightning, I’m up and sprinting through the corridors. I rush through the halls left and right, my knowledge of the logistics of Snoke’s ship being better than that of my own hand. 

     I slide into the hangar I know Rey visited only minutes ago and thrust my hand out. Rey’s hurt, badly. The ship she tried to escape with has been shot down, and in seconds, she will suffocate in open space. 

     Frantically, I gather all the power I can possibly use and reach out into space, desperately floundering to find her. Just as I’m about to lose consciousness from the sheer amount of effort I’m using, I feel a weak sense of life.

     I grab for her, my heart pounding in my chest as I close my grasp around her small frame gently, and hastily lasso her back to the safe space of the hanger. She tumbles from the invisible force holding her hostage in the air and right into my arms. 

     "MED PACK!” I bellow, shouting louder than I ever thought possible and making my throat ache. Immediately, two stormtroopers have rushed over to the scene with a makeshift stretcher. Gently, I load Rey onto it and follow behind the two as they hurriedly make their way to a med bay. 

     Seconds stretch into lifetimes as I see her chest struggle to rise and fall. Instantly, I’m reminded of when my mother was expelled from the cruiser she was stationed on, an explosion sending her flying into space because of my fleet. How she somehow used the force to propel herself through empty space and to the remaining part of the cruiser. How she almost died because of my misjudgment.

     I won’t let that happen now. Concentrating as hard as I can, my brain starts to fill with calm emotion. Taking advantage of the feelings, I compact them all together before shoving them out of my conscious to Rey, a cool breather in her panicked mental state. 

     As we arrive in the med bay, officers immediately situate her in a bed not unlike my mother’s after returning from space. “She’s weak, but it does appear she will recover,” a male doctor says, checking Rey’s pulse and other lifelines. He then rubs a salve over the worst of her cuts and takes great care in removing small pieces of metal that have implanted themselves in her skin from the explosion. 

     “She’ll need a while to recover, sir,” he adds nervously, watching me watch Rey with an impatient expression plastered across my face. “How long?” I ask coolly, expecting an unpleasant answer but not showing it.

     “She might not be conscious for another two days,” he whimpers, like I’m going to blame him for what’s been done to her. No, I refuse to blame someone helping Rey get better for what’s been done. Instead, I can take it upon myself to make Hux pay.

     “What exactly crossed your mind two hours ago, Hux? When you ordered open fire on one of our own ships?” I ask mildly, not giving any emotion away in my tone of voice as I raise my eyebrows at him. Hux looks anywhere but me as he acquires an angry glare on his disgusting snake lips.

     “The man attempting to sneak away was one of our own, sir. After what happened with FN-2187, I don’t believe you would want a second rogue stormtrooper.” He retorts, glaring at everything like the stupid moron he is. 

     I pause. In all the chaos, I didn’t remember that Rey had been wearing a suit of stormtrooper armor that actually protected her from a majority of the damage. Most of the arms and legs were blown off in the explosion, but her face was concealed. 

     “Speaking of which, Ren-“ -he spits my name like it leaves a bad taste on his tongue- “why did you yell ‘Rey’ like it was the most important thing in the universe as you saved a TRAITOR from a worthy death?” 

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