|Part Two |

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     "Hey, Ben?" I ask, having undone myself from his embrace, looking to him and wondering how to go about my next course of action.

     "What now?" Our eyes both glance over to where the sliced body of Snoke burns on the floor and his throne, and I know what question burdens us both before he even asks in unison with me, "Does our force bond still work?"

     I truly have no idea how I do it, but I simply imagine my mind stretching out to detect his, relieved beyond belief as I recognize his blaring signal.

     "Does this mean you're going back to the Rebel Alliance?" He asks sadly, looking back to me with puppy dog eyes and a frown on his face. I sigh.

     Ben and I are so balanced, it's unbelievable. Ben's always had trouble putting trust in people, and I'm too quick, too impulsive, to put my faith in others. But it seems I'm the only one who Ben has trusted since his days of Jedi Training.

     Ben was, of course, training alongside a handful of other apprentices to become a new generation of Jedi. He was taught by none other than Luke Skywalker. But Ben had been contacted by Supreme Leader Snoke during his training, who was trying to sway him to join the Dark Side. When Luke found out, he almost killed Ben in the middle of the night. Frightened, Ben destroyed the Jedi Temple and fled away, showing up years later as Snoke's new apprentice.

     One day I came in contact with a droid, BB-8, on my home planet of Jakku. From then on, my world changed forever and led me to live a life of rebellion. Now I am part of the Rebel Alliance, and am Ben's Light Side counterpart.

     We're a balance, an impasse until a turning point takes place. Ben either has to give up the Dark, or I have to give up the Rebellion.

     "There may be a third option," Ben mutters quietly, and I hastily latch my hands onto my head. "Did you read my mind?!" I ask, angrily thinking back to the interrogation scene in which he tried to force the map leading to Luke Skywalker out of me.

     "No, I swear. I could just sense what you were thinking," he says, seeming quite astounded himself. I look at him, confused. "I can't sense yours," I respond, once again trying to detect his mind and thoughts.

     A sudden pain coarses through my mind, and I cry out in surprise and discomfort. "I think I just blocked you from hearing my thoughts," he says, pushing one hand up to his head to cradle it and holding his other out to comfort me.

     "Can I block yours?" I ask, wondering how to process this new piece of information. Not only can we talk to each other from great distances, but it seems our minds are connected and can sense what the other is thinking.

     Ben closes his eyes, and I concentrate. With the added focus, I can feel a previously undetected presence in my head. Deciding to experiment, I imagine building a shield around my mind, and sense it works when a sudden slice of pain cuts through my head. It's excruciating, but only lasts for a second.

     "We're not supposed to block each other out," I realize, and my heart aches as I see Ben bring his hand to soothe the pain in his head. He nods, and I express my apologies to only have them waved off.

     "When I interrogated you... you must have blocked me without even knowing how," Ben mutters, looking around the room and pretty much just questioning his entire existence right now.

     "So... we can probe each other's minds." I finish. A million problems with this new ability, starting with the fact that I'll never be able to keep a secret for the Rebel Alliance if it's within Ben's power to take it.

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