To Be Continued...

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Hello everyone!

If you're reading this, it means you have finished Part 1 of Meant to Be.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone who has been voting and commenting on my chapters. Thank you so freaking much.

Second, I'm really sorry I didn't update as fast as I did before. I kind of got bored with this story and wanted to write other things.

Third, this book will be getting a sequel if you've really been enjoying it. However, I'm not going to update it for an indefinite span of time.

(If you'd like to rush the process, share the story. I told myself that if the book gets over 250 likes that I would start the Sequel book immediately.)

However, unless that happens, this next book is going to be on hold indefinitely. But, not to fear!

I 100% recommend reading "May The Force Be Ever In Your Favor"! It's a Hunger Games/Reylo AU and I'm still quite passionate about writing it. There are currently 7 chapters, but each is about twice as long as one of these! I'm also doing one shots on another book, if you have a request PLEASE send it in!!! <3

I'm also in the midst of writing an Obitine fanfic, so feel free to check out that one as well. (It won't make much sense unless you've watched the Clone Wars animated series, but feel free to check it out!)

Again, thank you all so much for reading (and especially you that are voting on it) I wouldn't still be writing on this app if it wasn't for you.


If you want more reads or likes on your stories, please comment here or private message me for read4reads and like4likes. <3

June 5th, 2018

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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