| Part Twelve |

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     We slept there that night, my head nestled in the crook of his arm and chest. I hadn’t a care in the galaxy what would happen next, just the then and now. And the then and now was drinking in the warmth of him while we observed the stars, and he told me, “It’s amazing how one can lose sight of an entire galaxy when just one person is more important.” I simply looked to his eyes and smiled as the fatigue caught up with me from the day, and I drifted off as he held me close to his heart.

     “Where have you BEEN?” Leia snaps, furious when the two of us finally emerge into the middle of the swampy clearing. She’s standing about, pacing back and forth with dried tears streaked down her face. “We sent out search parties for you in the middle of the night, we couldn’t find you. We almost gave up hope that you were still alive.”  Fresh moisture springs to her eyes as she looks between the two of us as we scramble for an explanation. 

     “You couldn’t have stayed inside the clearing last night? Did you forget about the ferocious bats that also inhabit this planet? I truly can’t comprehend what was going through your heads as to persuade you into running off like that.”

     Before either of us can say a word, Leia has whirled on her heel and stormed off, and  manages to snag her arm around Ben’s as she pulls him away. 

     “In retrospect, that probably wasn’t the best idea,” he comments as his looming body is willingly pulled away by his  5’ 1” mother.


     “What were you thinking?!” My mother fumes, angrily pulling me inside the nearest shack made from the wood Rey and I never chopped down. “Do you honestly think NOW is the time to be off and fooling around? We have no medical supplies, you’d better damn well pray to maker you didn’t get the poor girl pregnant-“ my infuriated mother rambles on. My cheeks flush despite myself. “What are you talking about? Nothing even happened!” I exclaim, equally angry. 

Seriously? That’s what she thought we were doing? 

    “It’s not like we have medics or anything, we’re certainly not aligned with the Ho’Dins, and they’re definitely not providing their services for anything less than a fortune…”

     “Mother,” I interrupt, forcing her to face me, “nothing happened last night. We don’t need birth control services, you can calm down.” 

     I’m almost ready to laugh at the sheer absurdity of her claim. She must have little faith in me- which of course, I don’t blame her- but seriously? Absolutely nothing happened, end of discussion. So I walk away before she can question further.


     “Finn, you have to go,” Rose argues persistently, the first thing I hear as I walk into a near clearing to see the two debating in front of the nearest, hastily built shack. “You’re a symbol, the perfect example of why the stormtroopers must leave the First Order.” 

     I never planned to eavesdrop on my way here, just thought I came to check on Ben- but I couldn’t resist, he could wait until this conversation played out. 

     “You just woke up, you’re fragile, and I need to stay and protect you, Rose. The Resistance is sending their best fighters on the mission, they can afford to leave me here and stay with you.”

     A small twinge of jealousy crosses over me as I listen to the two argue. But as soon as it flickers away, I’m left with shame. The thought was so stupid I want to stab it out of my brain for even thinking it- of course he wanted to stay with Rose instead of helping me. There was a difference in what I have with him and what she has with him. I couldn’t expect him to put the resistance over his personal feelings when it was the exact opposite of how I dealt with feelings for Ben. Love knows no boundaries. Of course he didn’t want to leave her.

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