| Part Six |

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     “You lied to me,” I whisper threateningly, ripping my eyes away from Rey to glare into the nervous eyes of the doctor who diagnosed her. “You told me she’d be back in two days, but I was in her mind. She thinks she’s dead.” My body rises from the makeshift chair I’m sitting in, and I tower over the quivering doctor before me with my full height. “You do not lie to Kylo Ren.” I sneer, reaching my hand out and flicking up. Instantly, the man is hovering in mid-air, choking.

     This isn’t what she’d want, a sudden thought reminds me. It’s right, what am I doing?! The doctor didn’t cause this. HUX did. Hux, that sniveling little-

     I drop the doctor to the floor and he gratefully reaches for his throat, greedy for the air I’ve deprived his lungs of. Without another word, I turn on my heel and swiftly thunder towards Hux’s control areas.

     When I arrive, Hux is standing over men and women behind computer screens. He’s searching databases to discover any lead to an abandoned rebel base. It’s all he knows as to where the rebels have hidden out. I can see them now, laughing at their good fortune. Something I gave to them without a second of doubt, all for a girl who’d wanted to kill me. 

Correction: wants to kill me. 

     I’d seen her mind, she absolutely despises me. Which makes me think again- how am I ever going to bring her back? But all of these wandering inquiries cease as I turn to face Hux, the pathetic turd of a man. 

     Without a second thought, the lightsaber in my right hand flickers to life. The red plasma of the blade purrs, and the sound of this automatically makes everyone in the ship’s weapon control turn to witness what’s about to happen. 

     "Supreme Leader, so glad you could join us. As of now, our databases say that the rebels have a heavily armored base on the mineral planet of Crait-“ and then he’s airborne, three feet above the floor and flying towards me.

     “You’ve done this,” I spit, glaring into Hux’s beady, now frightened, eyes. “You’re responsible for all” -I look around the room at imperial workers, scared that they might be next- “of this. You’re the reason we lost the base, the reason we haven’t yet managed to snuff out the tiny spark of hope among the galaxy.” Hux’s face is turning blue before me, but I still hold him hostage. “You’re being demoted, you’re no longer the leader of the Galactic Army.” Just as Hux loses consciousness, I throw him into the wall, causing sparks to fly from whirring machines.

     “Move forward with your advances on Crait,” I command, turning away from Hux’s mess to order around the pilots. “If the rebels are there, we’ll hit them with everything we have.” 


Get everyone out of the base. Hux has found you. You need to leave now.

     The message is brief and precise, but I’m frightened my mother will not listen to it. Why would she? I’ve done nothing but destroy her cause and betray her. Never have I tried to contact her through the force, but I desperately hope she receives it.

     Just as I’m about to give up after what feels like eternity stretches by, I hear a soft “thank you.” I release a breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding, and my heart pounds in my rib cage. They’re escaping. I just don’t know if I gave them enough warning.


     "Sir?” The timid doctor says, approaching me nervously next to Rey’s unconscious body. It’s not even been a day, and I’m slowly being torn apart over her being absent from my life. Every spare moment, I’ve spent with her.

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