| Part Nine |

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    “I can’t believe we didn’t take that chance when it was handed to us on a silver platter,” Poe grumbles, his line of sight following the horizon of the galaxy. “We could have just wiped out the entire First Order and brought back the Republic within a day.”

    “And not given them a fair fight? Do you really think that is a wise choice to follow?” Leia grimaces from outside the cockpit. “Hate only leads to the Dark Side, Poe.”

    “Well, I’m sick of it! The First Order has slaughtered countless innocent souls, and when we had the chance to make things right, we didn’t take it. They deserve it.”

    “Poe,” Leia scolds. “If we had taken out our anger on those still on Snoke’s ship, it would have made us no better than the enemy. You have to understand that we only kill when justified, and killing all those stormtroopers and Hux was certainly not. We’ll regroup, send out distress calls. If any allies of the Resistance are in the Outer Rim, they’ll come. We’ll overwhelm them, and give them a chance to actually surrender.”

    Chewie grunts in response from the co-pilot seat, and Leia smiles at him sadly. “I know you miss Han. Yes, Poe reminds me of him too.” 

    Poe looks to the both of them with a smirk. “Sure. But the real ladies’ man would appear to be the Supreme Leader sleeping in the back of this ship.”


     Rey smiles up at me, her head still softly rested against my shoulder. “You’ve finally turned, Ben,” she whispers into my ear. “You’re going to be the reason we win the war. Why we bring back the Republic once and for all.” 

     “Aren’t you lucky I care about you so much?” I murmur back, pressing a kiss into the softness of her neck. “I don’t think luck has anything to do with it,” she responds wisely. “Love works both ways.”

     I pull my lips away from her neck to kiss her forehead. “Thank you, Rey. For everything.” Her eyes glance up to meet mine, and they beam. “Of course,” she whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear, “for you, I’d do anything.” She nuzzles her head into my shoulder and closes her eyes peacefully. As she begins to drift off to sleep, I stay calm and still as to not disturb her. Just as I’m thinking about how I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the galaxy-

     “We’ve got visitors!” Poe yells from the cockpit, and Chewie utters a loud, Wookiee moan. Rey, startled from the interruption, jumps up from her seat next to me. “I’ll take the canons,” she informs me, and quickly climbs down to the ship’s artillery. 

     “Where’s my droid?!” Poe yells as a sudden explosion rocks the ship. I look around the board, scanning right to left with my eyes, and then spot a small ball of orange and white. “Here,”  I say, and grab the machine carefully. Instantly, it powers up. “BB-8, do your magic, buddy!” Poe says, throwing his head over his shoulder to look at the droid. Before I can set the droid back down, it whirls and catapults itself out of my hands, rushing to Poe’s voice. 

     Another explosion rocks the ship, and I turn to the nearest glass pane. Outside the Falcon are a dozen rogue TIE fighters, blasting at the exterior.

     They’re imperial crafted, first class ships. “Careful,” I announce, looking to the ships with a certain malice. “These are some of the best aircraft pilots in the First Order.”

     “How did they recover from the escape mission so fast?” Leia asks, alarmed as yet another blow hits the ship. “They must have been on patrol during the supposed execution and rushed to help. I suppose when they saw we were already gone, they launched a rogue attack.” I answer, glad to be of assistance. I look out the window again- right as a blast from the canon below deck explodes a TIE fighter. “WOO!” Rey screams from below, and I can’t wipe the grin off my face as she continues, “I LOVE this thing!”

     Concentrating all my mental energy into one point, I gather it together and then shove it out of my mind. An oncoming TIE fighter approaching is catapulted backwards, flying into another one and causing a large explosion as the ships are fried to crisps. 

     “Are you trying to outdo me?” An insulted Rey yells up from below, and I smile. “Please, I could outdo you in my sleep.” I make my way down to the cannon and climb down the ladder leading to a small section that houses the artillery. “Yeah? Let’s go!” Rey looks up from her shooting for just a moment to watch my approach, then instantly turns back to shoot a ship down. “You’ve hit two, I’ve hit two. There’s eight left now.” I say, turning my head to look back to her- she then grins wickedly. “Actually, there’s seven.” She adds, and an explosion from in front of her proves her point.

     “Cheater!” I say, faking offense as I jump the rest of the way down to meet her. “It’s not my fault you’re slow,” she shrugs, and takes aim again. 

     “Rey, watch this,” I say. As soon as she turns away from the scope of the weapon, I plant a heavy kiss upon her lips. With one hand, I cup her cheek- and the other I use to bring two more ships crashing into each other. The duel explosions work together to take out a third ship as well.

     “You had the nerve to call ME a cheater?” She fumes, pulling away from me immediately. I stifle a laugh and smile at how cute she is when she’s absolutely furious.

     “I call this a hat trick,” she adds, glaring back at me once before turning back and firing three shots- all of them making their marks and causing three explosions, side by side. “Do you hear that?” Rey cups her hand around her ear. “That’s the sound of me WINNING this competition.” She smiles, and fires one more shot- hitting the last of the fleet. The mighty First Order pilot ambush remains are now rubble flying about in space. 

     “I think you cheated,” I whisper into her ear, and laugh as she shivers. From above, we then hear shouts of victory- and a shrill Wookiee superior cry. “Cheated? You tried to distract me by KISSING me!” She says, offended and insulted. “Yeah, I did.” I admit. “And guess what? I’m going to do it again.” Before she can object, I lean down and kiss her precious lips, thriving against her wonderful mouth. She reaches her hands up and around my neck as she deepens the kiss.

     “Hey, Rey! We destroyed them!” Finn yells from above, and I quickly disconnect myself from her embrace with a growl. Why does that traitor have to ruin everything? “Of course we did! Rey and I were the ones destroying them!” I snap back from below, and my smoldering glare turns soft when I look back to her.

     Finn doesn’t respond. I think he realizes his presence is unwelcome and unwanted in this instance, and respectfully backs off. Finally. “You’re so beautiful when you’re fired up,” I whisper softly, taking the chance and embracing Rey once more.

     “So you don’t take me seriously when I’m angry? Is that what I’m hearing?” She’s saying it in a joking matter, but I can hear a hard undertone lacing her words.

     “I wouldn’t dream of it, Rey. You’re powerful and strong, I admire and look to you as my equal.” I answer, taking her in my arms and holding her close to my heart. “Good answer.” She responds, and leans up to press a kiss to my cheek. 

When I have her in my arms, it’s almost impossible to ever let her go.

Hey all! I'm super sorry this chapter is so short, but I didn't want to bore you all with extra details that I didn't want to write/didn't fit with the general idea of it! Huge thanks to everyone reading and voting- there's a couple of you that comment, but don't vote. Please know that it encourages me greatly to keep writing when you vote, so if you really like the story, please let me know by pressing that star! I appreciate it so much!

The greedy author ;)

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