Chapter 9- I don't care if you're contagious

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Mariah and I were on our way to my parent's house. I invited her over when I found out she would be alone for Christmas. I couldn't bare with the fact that she would be alone so I called my mom up and she agreed to let her join.

*Phone call with Vic's mom*

"Hey, mom! How are you."

"Ah, my darling. How is my dear boy? You're not calling to tell me you're not coming for Christmas, are you? You already missed Thanksgiving."

"No ma, I'm not" I laugh "I'm here to ask if I could bring over a friend for Christmas. Dare I say this but it is a girl and I would like for her to join us as she will be alone this year. And no ma, she is not my girlfriend, she is just a friend."

"Oh, my dear Vic is bringing home a girl!"

"Yes, ma I-"

"Do you hear that Victor, Vic is bringing home a girl!" I facepalm. My mother is not going to let this one go.

"Alright ma, I gotta go, I'll see you very soon. Love ya." and with that, I hung up.

*Present time*

I look behind me as I stop at a red light. Mariah is passed out in the passenger seat. I smile, she's always so stunning. I'm excited that I'm bringing her home for the holidays. I never thought I would get a chance to. I pull into my driveway and see Mariah still passed out.

"Mariah? Darling, wake up," She slightly jolts before looking at me. "Ah, there she is. By the way were here."

"Oh, Shit," she says, Me and Mike look at her

"Hey, don't be saying that when we're inside. Mom will have your ass." Mike laughs. I walk over to the trunk of the car and start to grab suitcases. Mariah tries to grab hers.

"I got your bags, plus mom would kill me if I wasn't being a gentleman if I didn't grab them for you." I grabbed two suitcases and walked to the door. I set down a suitcase to open the door, grab it again and walk in "Moooom, Were home!"

"Ah, my boys have made it safely! Come here and give me a hug. I've missed you, boys, very much." She smothers me and Mike with hugs and kisses. Once she's done she sees Mariah and looks over at her. "Ah my dear, Please welcome, come on in and give me a hug. I see why Vic has such interest for you, what a beautiful woman you are." I instantly blush.

"Moom," I say to mom

"Sorry, but Vic never brings girls home." She tells Mariah." Boys you go put away your belongings, along with, sorry my dear what's your name?"


"Ah, yes. Along with Mariah's belongings. I have a room set up for her upstairs if you could take her stuff up there Vic? Mariah why don't you join me in the kitchen." I nod my head in agreement and hurriedly Put mine and her suitcases in the guest rooms. If I didn't hurry, I don't know what kind of embarrassing things mother could say about me. Once I am finished, I listened in on their conversation.

"I ran into him walking in the hallway. We talked for a moment before he invited me to uh... hang out with the guys." I noticed she carefully chose her words.

"I'm so happy he's finally brought home a girl. You must be lucky cause you're the first girl he's ever brought home. Daresay I think he might like you." I hear a knife drop and I curse at myself. Mom why do you have to do this. I thought this was the right moment to walk in.

"Okay, Mom I think that's enough embarrassing me for the night yeah?" I hug my mom for the second time tonight. I look at Mariah. "I've never brought home a girl because of this reason."

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