Chapter 3- Southern Constellations

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I woke up and I felt something unusual under me and wrapped around me. I open my eyes and There was Vic. I was still sitting on his lap and he was holding me in his arms. It surprised me he was still here even after I fell asleep. I smiled to myself, he was definitely really sweet, kind and caring person. It made me happy to think he was still here and didn't leave. I laid my head back into his chest. I just wanted to stay like this forever. His embrace was welcoming and warm. His embrace felt like my father's warm hugs when he used to tuck me into bed or hold me when I was hurt. Vic reminds me a lot of my dad and I certainly don't know how to feel about it either. I felt Vic shuffle from under me, I look up and see his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning, darling." He said with a tired weak smile on his face.

"I thought I told you not to call me that?" I said smiling at him. I wasn't mad at this point that he called me darling, I just wanted to tease him about it.

"That won't happen, darling. It does seem to fit you." He tickles me on my neck and I giggle a bit. I get up off of him and stretch my back, I felt it crack many times. I must say being in his arms are nice but laying in that position for so long definitely, takes a toll. I walk into the bathroom and look at my face. It looks horrid. I have definitive bags under my eyes and my hair's a wreck. I walk out of the bathroom to grab my brush out of my bag and walked back into the bathroom to brush my hair. I turned on the sink and washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror again. I looked decently better, I thought I still looked horrible nonetheless. I walk out of the bathroom and Vic spoke up.

"Hey wanna sit down at breakfast with me and the guys? We always sit together."

"I'm surprised you're still talking to me, cause I looked horrifying moments ago. Also, I'm not sure, I've never actually sat down at breakfast before."

"Horrifying? I thought you looked adorable. I mean you don't have to sit with us if you don't want to, I would just like it if you were there. Pleaseeeee." Vic begged and puffing his bottom lip out. He looked so adorable. Wait did he call me adorable? He couldn't have. He said it so fast that maybe he said something else? Ah, Mariah, that's beside the point.

"I will try and sit with you guys but don't be surprised if I quickly leave." I sighed. Vic jumped up and smiled with excitement, he grabbed my hand ready to leave the room. "Wait at least let me change out of this before we go," I said laughing.

"Oh right, Hey why don't you change and I'll go back to my dorm and change as well and I'll meet you in the cafeteria, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled at him. he left the room and I grab a tee shirt and jeans to put on. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower and hop in quickly. I got out and dried off and I looked at myself in the full sized mirror. I honestly do look terrible. My face makes me look the worst. I have bags under my eyes and look at my chin! Every time I smile it makes me look weird and my smile, my teeth! They look nasty and yellow. I look at all my flaws. each one making me feel worse and worse about myself. I hate who I am. I then thought about being in the cafeteria for breakfast. I know I sometimes go down for lunch and/or dinner but for breakfast? Will people notice and just look at me? I'm worried about being down there. I turn away from the mirror holding back tears, trying to not have an anxiety attack. Why do I overthink even the simplest of things? I hate myself for that. I put on my clothes and go over to the mirror above the sink and put on makeup, making sure to cover up my under eye circles. I leave the bathroom and leave the room, not bothering to grab my phone. I don't care for my phone much anyway.

I walk down the hallway where the stairs are. I open the door and go down the stairs and head towards the cafeteria. Once I make it to the cafeteria doors, I went to go put my hand on the handle but I stopped. I am scared. Did I want to do this? I wanted to see Vic, but this is also pushing my comfort zone. Maybe that's what I need to do more often is push my comfort zone. I'm sure I looked stupid standing here. I take a deep breath, I'm doing this for Vic. I put my hand on the handle and open the cafeteria door. Everyone is sitting at a table, laughing with their friends. No one seems to notice me. I look around and try to find Vic. As I continued to look around and I spotted Stacy. I started and panic again. She starts to get up from her seat and very quickly I try and spot Vic. I looked around and spot him a couple of tables away from Stacy's, me and Vic lock eyes and he gets up and walks over to me. I notice Stacy sit down, rather annoyed when she noticed him coming towards me. I felt very relieved to see Vic and I weakly smiled at him.

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