Chapter 2- Falling asleep on a stranger

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"I would love to be part of your group."

All the guys jumped up and crowded around me, hugging me, almost making me spill my drink. It was a mess but I laughed regardless. Is this what happiness felt like? I haven't felt this way since I was younger. Once we all settled down, we thought it was a good idea to head back to the dorms. It was beginning to be 3 in the morning and most teachers are up by 5 to check for students in the halls. Everyone was going their separate ways except for Vic.

"Mind if I walk you to your dorm?" he turned to me and asked. I nodded in agreement. We walked quietly to my dorm, though it wasn't a bad silence. At the same time, we kinda had to be quite anyways or we could be caught. Once we made it to my dorm I let Vic in, closed the door and turned to him. He cleared his throat.

"So the guys and I are going to go to the beach today and I wanted to know If you wanted to join us?" The school has a rule during the weekends, with parents permission you can leave the school and do what you choose. I have my mom sign the form every year thinking ill go out and do something but I never did. The only times I do leave is to see mom ever so occasionally. We have good moments sometimes though it's very rare.

Though I thought about his question, not sure if I wanted to go, then again it would be nice to get out of this damned school and especially away from Stacy for a day. "Joining you will definitely be great."

"Awesome, be ready by noon, see you then." he smiled at me and left my room. I walked over to my dresser and put on some sweatpants and a sweater. I set an alarm for 11 in the morning, got into bed and fell fast asleep. When my alarm woke me I was tired, like really tired. Could you blame me though? I was up till 3 in the morning. I got up and took a quick shower, avoiding look at myself in the mirror. I let the warm, steaming water wash over me. sadly it had to end too soon cause had to get out. I put on my dry towel and grabbed another to dry off my hair. I grabbed my brush and brushed out my hair. I look at the time and had 30 minutes to finish up. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a two-piece bathing suit. I stared at it and realized I would have to show off my body if I choose to get into the water. Worry washed over me but I had to push it aside and put on the two piece. I put on a pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I grabbed a bag and packed extra clothes, sunscreen, brush, towel and more. Once I was finished packing I went to go walk out the door but instead I ran into Vic.

"Is this how we're going to keep greeting each other?" Vic chuckles a little.

"I would prefer not to" I let out a small laugh. He nods his head to the right to signal me a "Let's go" and backs up against the door frame, holding out an arm letting me go through the door. He closes the door and catches up to me. Vic leads me to the side of the school and outside where the guys are at, even Kellin and Alex are joining too. A rush of excitement comes over me, I'm actually excited for today. This feeling is very rare for me to have, so I'm going to soak up all the goodness from today cause I probably won't feel this great again.

"Hey Mariah, I'm glad you're coming." Kellin greets me. Alex looks up from his phone and glares at me and walks towards the other side of the van. I look in the direction he was going. Alex didn't seem to be happy to see me. I shrug it off, as it could be anything.

"I'm happy I'm coming to, honestly." I'm sure I have this huge smile on my face. I'm sure I look like a kid who just went to Disney world for the first time.

I look around outside. Our school is really simple, not much around. Our school is practically in the middle of nowhere. nothing much is there but open fields and a playground across the street. I was pretty lost in thought until Vic started to grab my bags to put into the back of the van. I tend to get lost in my mind a lot but I can't let that happen today. I get into the van and the rest of the guys greet me. I smile feeling awkward, I'm not used to so much interaction with anyone, definitely something I need to get used to. Once everything was packed Vic sat next to me and Mike pulled out of the parking space and we were well on our way. The ride was only an hour long and the ride was definitely not quiet, Mike was the driver and music was blasting. All of the guys were rocking out having a blast, all except me. Vic nudges me.

Kissing in Cars (Vic Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now