Chapter 7- The balcony scene

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Kellin's POV

I stood over her lifeless body. Her face so pale... How did this happen? I miss Mariah, her laugh, smile... Her... Now she lays here... Lifeless. She was my best friend and I care for her so much. All the events the lead up to this moment. Why did this have to happen to her? I need her here with me.


Since meeting Mariah, my life has improved greatly. We have become super close. I can tell it makes Vic jealous. He's very close to her as well, closer to her than me. It makes me jealous as well cause she's also my friend. Well all fight for her attention, some more than others.

Tonight changed my feelings for her.

As I'm walking back to my dorm, I think back to all of the events happened today. First Alex, oh boy some shit has really gotten into him. I can't believe Alex would hurt Vic like this. I know Vic's taking this Very hard. I mean Vic and Alex were the best of friends but now, nothing. How could Alex betray his best friend? Then there was that damn kiss with Mariah. Oh god, that kiss. I know it was only a dare but her lips were so soft against my own. I can't seem to get this kiss out of my head.

I make it to my dorm, I went to put my hand on the doorknob but I heard shuffling. Please don't tell me Alex is in there. I open the door and walk in, there was no one there. I walk over to my bed at the far end of the room. I look across to Alex's bed and I see a laptop. I look around the room and then walk closer to the laptop. I know I shouldn't snoop but I was curious and who was on his computer screen. To my dismay, there was a Video of... Mariah? Why does Alex have a video of her? I hear moving behind me and I turn around to see Alex coming my way.

"First Vic now you? Can you guys stay out of my damn Business?" Before I could speak, Alex closes his laptop, shoves it into a duffel bag and leaves. I am concerned as to why he had a picture of Mariah. That's not common at all. I ponder about the little information I have. Do I tell someone? Should I just let it go? What do I do? I decided that I should sleep on it as I don't know what to do. I get into bed and turn off my bedside lamp. I couldn't get to sleep at all. I decided to give up and lay there for the night.

*Present time*

I look at Vic. His eyes are bloodshot from crying so much. He really cared for Mariah, as did the rest of us.

"Vic, I should have said this sooner," I couldn't figure out how to form the proper wording. This information might be crucial to Vic. "The night when we all left Mariah's room after the truth or dare game, I went back to my dorm and Alex was there. Well, he had his laptop open and there was a video of Mariah on his computer screen. I wasn't sure if I should have told anyone but now... I wish I did." I look at Vic though he didn't dare look at me.

"You tell me this now,"Still looking at Mariah's lifeless body, he says this very calmly. Maybe even too calmly. He gets up and looks at me. You can see in his eyes he's hurt and tired. He hasn't slept in days. "If you told me this sooner maybe she wouldn't be in this state! Look at her Kellin!" Vic wipes his face with his hands and walks away. Maybe he was right, there's a chance she wouldn't be like this if I had said something. This situation is partially my fault for not saying anything. If only had said something around the Christmas time..


I still can't get out of my head that Alex had a Video of Mariah on his laptop. I finally decided that it was probably nothing. I wanted to tell Vic but it also seemed stupid. At the moment I have more things to worry about, like putting on this damn garland on this damned tree. I loved Christmas but definitely not putting this garland on. I look over to Mariah. She's so stunning and looks so happy. I swear every day I fall harder for her. I've finally come to terms with myself that I am falling for Mariah. Every time I see her and Vic interact I get jealous.

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