Chapter 4- Disasterology

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It's been about two weeks and things have gone up and down. Alex has pretty much stopped talking to everyone in our group. He won't even talk to his own roommate Kellin. Kellin has been noticeably annoyed by it and Vic, well Vic is really hurt. He couldn't believe his own best friend would even do this to him. Vic felt betrayed, he hasn't told anyone that, but you can definitely tell. While Alex has fucked things up, Vic and I have become a lot closer. I've also become closer to Kellin as well. I can tell though that Vic does get jealous when I talk to Kellin. I don't know why that is, I try not to let it bother me. These group of guys though have been the best. We all get along so well. Vic lately has been forcing me to eat more. He's very stubborn, but I am thankful for him. I want to get better cause I know not eating isn't good, but I can't help feeling the way I do. I'm back to eating at least two meals a day, and I'm noticeably gaining more weight. That scares me a lot. Some days I get away with not eating though others I could not. It's nice that Vic cares for me a lot. Today is Friday which means its drinking day and I could not wait. The guys are so funny, you never know what to expect from them. I've become more comfortable around them, so comfortable I'm making jokes around them. I guess I'm a funnier person than I thought. Stacy has also bothered me a lot less since getting to know them. Things were starting to go well for me.

I started heading towards the men's bathroom where they will be. I still find it strange the like to hang out here but I guess there's more room in the bathroom than in the dorm. I looked around to make sure no one was around. When the coast was clear I opened the door and went in. I saw Kellin run up to me. He picked me up and hugged me spinning around. Vic looked jealous again.

"Well how's my favorite human?" asked Kellin

"I'm doing wonderful thank you." I walk up to Vic and hug him as well. The jealousy on Vic's face started to go away as he smiled at me. Vics hugs were much better compared to Kellin's hugs. Vics hugs were always going to be my favorite compared to anyone else. I sat down with the rest of the guys between Kellin and Vic. Vic handed me a drink and we'll all began drinking. We were all laughing and having fun that is until someone came in. We all heard the door open and turned to see who it was. This someone was a person we all did not expect to show up. That someone was Alex. We all looked at him and Vic looked pissed.

"Well look who decided to  finally show up!" Vic said standing up and walking towards him.

"What? I can't hang out with other people too?" Alex spoke up. Mike got up and walked towards Alex too.

"No, that's not the problem. Were okay with you hanging out with other people, but to completely ignore us? Also the fact you're now hanging out with Stacy after you confessed how much you hated her? Dude that's fucked up." Mike spoke to him.

"Oh I'm sorry I have to talk to everyone 24/7," Alex said, raising his hands and waving them to show his annoyance.

"Dude are you serious? I've been your best fucking friend since freshman year and now you're ignoring me like I don't exist. Fuck you man, out of all things I've done for you this is how you treat me?" Vic stormed out of the bathroom and into the hall. I didn't know what to do. Do I stay or chase after him? I went to go get up and chase after him, but before I could leave the words I heard Alex say was the last I wanted to hear.

"Fuck you guys, I'm glad I'm dating Stacy. She treats me better than any of you anyways." Alex stormed out and I stood there in defeat. Everyone was looking at me. They knew Stacy has tortured me for years. Everything made so much sense now. All the making fun of me along with Stacy. They were dating and if Vic knew, he would feel betrayed even more. Everyone in this room feels betrayed. I didn't understand though, the night I met Alex he was so cool, he was even trash talking Stacy himself. What changed?

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