Chapter 1- Fast times at Clairemont High

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Welcome to Ravenflow high.... The worst High school on earth. I hate it here, I want out. I asked and begged my mom to take me out of this place, but that is a complicated process to go through. Ravenflow high is a private school with dorms you live in. It works almost like a college. You even have to have a roommate, even if you dislike that person. You never know each year who you're going to be room with. Lucky for me the girl I was going to share a room with dropped out and I got a dorm to myself. I like being by myself anyways. Nobody likes me here, I'm sure most of them want me dead anyway.

Today I walked into class as usual sat down at my assigned seat. I like to be in class early so I won't have to deal with anyone in the hallway. I watched as everyone filed into the classroom. A few moments later the bell rung and class began. I started to take down notes the teacher put on the board. I realize I couldn't help but feel the sensation as if someone was staring at me. I shook off the feeling as me being paranoid, though the vibes of someone staring at me was strong. I subtly looked around and saw Stacy looking at me with those devil eyes of hers. She could almost be mistaken for the wicked witch of the west if it wasn't for the fact she didn't have green skin. I kept looking around as if I didn't see her staring me down. I looked behind me and see a guy looking at me and then look at Stacy. Could he sense her staring at me too? I look forward and lower my head feeling super awkward and continued to take down notes. Around me, I can hear shuffling and laughing. Someone then taps my left shoulder and I look over to the note some guy is handing me. I slowly grab the note scared and open it.I looked at it for a moment, whenever I get notes like these, it's never good. I opened the note and I read what is written and stare at it. I didn't know what to do. I could hear Stacy and her friends laughing at me, they didn't dare hide their joy. I then crumble the piece of paper and put my head down. The words written on the note kept repeating in my head.

"Rot in hell bitch, along with your father."

My father died when I was very young. He was sick with cancer and tried so hard to stay alive for me, to try and be part of my life and see me grow up. Sadly cancer defeated him. I was left alone with mother. Mom and I never had a great relationship. I've tried to have a good relationship with her but she doesn't understand me or my choices. After a while, I gave up and thought it was best to be put in this private school away from her. I thought that private school would be fun for me and I would be out of her hair. I now regret that decision. Since being here I've been tormented since freshman year. luckily it's my senior year and I soon won't have to deal with any of this anymore.

Finally, the bell rung to leave class and is now my lunch period. I don't eat lunch, so I skip it and decided to go to my dorm room. I have no other place I could go to anyways. I got up and left that classroom so fast, I'm surprised that Stacy could keep up with her three-inch heels. As I'm trying to walk away from her as fast as possible without running, she slams her body right in front of me and holds out a hand to stop me from walking into her.

"How Did you Like the note, Mariah?" I looked down at the ground not knowing what to do. I stood there so dumbfounded. she smiled at me with amusement. I kept quiet not wanting to say anything, I wanted to go to my dorm. "What are you fucking mute now?"

"Leave me alone Stacy," I say quietly and barely above a whisper. I try to walk past her and her posse, but I had no luck cause I was pushed down by her friend. I hit the ground with a hard thud, with all my books and papers falling everywhere. Stacy's two friends laughed but Stacy stayed quiet, anger raging in her eyes.

"Excuse me what did you tell me?" She looks from her left to her right looking at each one of her two friends. "Did you hear what I hear? I know she did not just say that to me!" She grabs my shirt and lifts me up to her face, I looked away so I didn't have to look at her. In a very low, threatening tone she tells me "Remember bitch, I'm Superior here at this school and you listen to me." she throws me back to the ground and walks away with her posy, all laughing at me. I hurry up and grab my things from the ground and head in the opposite direction to make sure I don't run into her. I try to get to my dorm room quickly. I was walking so fast it could almost be considered jogging. When I finally made it to my dorm, I slammed the door closed, not caring who heard. I threw my books and paper to the ground and slid down my door crying into my knees. I can believe she would use my father against me. Actually, of course I can believe it, she continues to make my life a living hell all for what reason? What have I done to her that she hates me so much?

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