Chapter Four

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(Time Skip)

(Man)- " Liz? Liz? Answer me, Honey" he says in a low tone. I know how he feels...he's searching for someone too. Damn it, Novak...where can he be? I look towards the woman ahead of me. Helena Harper, she's in the same field of work as Leon. Right off the bat, it seems she doesn't like the looks of me. It doesnt matter, she's not my concern at the moment.

(Leon)- " Didn't expect to see you again, specially in uniform" His voice creeped in, he walked near my side.He sounded different...but he's the same Leon Kennedy that saved me nine years ago. Honestly, I wasn't expecting him either...I thought I wasn't going to see him ever again...

(Y/n)- "I thought it would be good for me." I grinned. The man that was with Leon and Helena, started holding his chest and coughing very dryly..he seems really sick and out of breath. It was making me worry. Helena and the man stop near the open elevator.

(Helena)- "We'll need to get the elevator working to get there..."

(Man))- " It's locked but I work here. I've got the keys.Once we're in we can take my car."

(Leon)- " Thank lets find your daughter and get out of here" Leon reminded me when he spoke about finding Ashley-- or times when Ashley told me Leon was trying to find me. He really is the same..nothing's changed in him..well, besides his appearance.

As we continue down the hallway...a few items stand in our way... Helena gets to one side and asks for help. Leon goes to the other side to lift together to move aside the item out of our path. The man walks through first..slightly coughing into his hand. I pass through next then. Helena takes lead as Leon stayed in the back. How big is this campus?...His daughter could be anywhere. Lightening struck the up the window near me--I lost my footing and was about to slip back. I felt a gentle warm hand press onto my lower back--pushing  me back on my feet. I straightened by back and tried to collect myself.

(Leon)- " Careful" he says in a serious tone. He points to his eyes and poinst his fingers straight ahead. I look at what seems to be a door...with a bloody hand print.. This doesnt look good. Leon makes his way to front, Helena places a hand on the door...Leon does the same and they both look to each other and nodded. Door slowly creaks open..Leon and Helena step through..guns scanning the room. There was blood...smeared all someone dragged a body in here. There! A figure of red jumps around the corner! A tall brunette woman..she sinks to the floor with a whimper.

(Man)- "Liz!" he pushed passed the three of us and to the woman, his daughter. He lowers down to attend to her.

(Liz)- " Dad? Where is Mom and Liam?" she says weakly. As they have their moment, I scan the room we were in...two bodies lay on the floor with blood soaked into the carpet. It was lucky for her to lock herself in here...but these two? They werent so lucky..

(Leon)- " Hey.." I hear his voice..I turn to view him. He tilt his head towards the door to get a move on. I nodded, I follow behind in the back while the man and Liz take lead.

(Helena)- " One down...another to go" she says in a low tone. Feels like she doesn't like that I'm here.

(Leon)- " How do we get out of this place?"

(Man)- " The underground parking lot. Elevators just up ahead.." he grunts trying to carry Liz on his own. I caught up with them and offered help. I took Liz' right arm and slug it over my shoulder..should be easier and faster now. Our path was blocked again..we just passed this way..

(Y/n)- " Leon..its blocked"

(Leon)- " Leave it to us" He and Helena step ahead and moved the fallen item out of the way again. The three of us walk through..Liz seemed really out of it, her breathing was raspy and out of sync.

(Man)- " I'm glad you guys were here"

(Y/n)- " Don't thank us yet, we still have to get out of the campus" I gripped Liz' wrist tighter-- my side got heavier all of a sudden. We finally made it towards the elevator, it was crapped. Liz and her father were hugging the wall, my shoulder was pressed against Leon and Helena's. I couldn't help but feel a little shy. As the elevator starts to descend..Liz starts to act in a very strange way. The man tends to her..dropping to the floor.

(Man)- " It's gonna be okay, Lizzie. You're gonna be okay. We're almost there." he assures.

(Liz)- " Dad.." she says very raspy. She twitches from the neck and her head falls flat face down. My heart dropped...Liz, she's gone. The man starts to cry for the loss of his daughter. Damn it! She could have made it out and transported to a doctor or something. I look away not to see him cry and hold onto his daughter. Leon's shoulder nudged mine gently..I look up to look at him..he nodded. He knows I'm upset.. I can't let this get through to me. I look towards Helena...she had a saddened look on her as well. The man's cough gets the best of him-- coughing uncontrolablly. The elevator shakes-- causing the lights to go out-- shit! I can't see..I my hand grabs ahold of the wall for balance.The sound of snarling and growling is coming from inside the elevator...wh-what is that?

(Helena)- " Oh my god!" I couldn't see-- Helena and Leon turn on their lights. I was behind Leon-- looking at his backside. His back backed up against me--oof! He was being attacked by a now infected Liz! I couldn't do much-- Leon had me pinned while he fights off Liz.

(Leon)- "She's already gone! Shoot her!" he ordered. He managed to push Liz off but she came back and swung her arm at Leon-- causing him to spin back to face me. Our eyes met for a quick second.-- I can feel his hot breath...he quickly turns around to assist Helena, who is now on top of Liz. She shot her dead. My ears were ringing--by the sound of the gun firing in such a small space.

(Helena)- " I...I can't believe this" she took the words right out of my mouth. They were both,

(Leon)- " Well get used to it.It's either them or us-- and they don't hesitate" I continue to stare at them..they were this close...

(Y/n)- " Why did this have to happen.." I shake my head...stop looking at them, focus on finding Novak.

(Leon)- " We need another way out of here."

(Helena)- " The streets aren't going to be any much safer.."

(Y/n)- " We can take my car-- it's just up ahead."

(Leon)- " Okay, new plan then." Helena nodded in approval. As the elevator starts to slow down, the sounds coming from the bottom floor didn't sound all to well..

(Helena)- "I don't think were alone in here..."

(Leon)- " Grab your guns" I held it tighter in my palm. My finger just near the trigger. Ding! Goes the elevator...a swarm of infected pry their way through the doors. Leon and Helena manage to take care of them. I see a man further ahead-- he drunkenly swings side to side. He looses his balance and flops onto the hood of the car-- causing the car alarm to blare out through the parking lot.

(Y/n)- "That sounds going to be drawing more in" they handled the swarm crowding us in.

(Leon)- "Then thats our cue to get the hell outta here" He gently grabs a hold of my arm to pull me ahead of him. More infected were coming this way...oh god..these people..

(Helena)- " This way" Helena points to a door just straight ahead.

(Leon)- " Come on" we start to rush towards the door-- something caught my ankle, I dropped to the ground-- my gun sliding away from me. Leon and Helena stop and see me in trouble. I kick the infected with my free leg, kicking and kicking-- but they wouldn't release their grip.

(Y/n)- " Gah-- ahhh! " he wouldn't let go. Helena rushes over and shots it behind its head. I felt arms grab my shoulders and lift me up with ease. Leon eyes me, I look away trying not to make an embarrassed face.

(Leon)- " Let's go" we make our way to the door this time. I pulled the door open and we all entered through.. My heart beat is out of control-- I need to relax and be more careful. Leon had to lift me up...I felt like I was a burden again, even Helena had to step in. I have to start keeping my eyes open and watch were I'm going...

Strange Comfort (RE6: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#2] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now