Chapter Eleven

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(Time Skip)

The area seems safe enough for a quick stop. There were many infected along the way. Crossing the wooden bridge was a looked old enough for me to break through and fall to my death. Helena and Deborah stayed behind as they were told, something seemed off about Deborah...she didn't look well.My cheek bumped into the middle of Leon's back, he stopped moving all of a sudden. My nose caught a whiff of his scent, nothing but him...Its very alluring.

(Y/n)- " What is it?" I asked in worry.

(Leon)- " Nothing, just waiting on Helena to catch up" I looked over my shoulder to see Helena struggling. She had massive sweat drops on her face, carrying her sister for a while and getting by through this cave-- caverns. I head to Helena to give her a hand, Deborah was covered in her sweat..she felt warm-- strangely too warm. I helped Helena set her down on the ground to give her a quick second to rest.

(Helena)- " Thanks" she quietly spoke.

(Y/n)- " No problem" Deborah cries out a whine-- a painful whine. We kneel down to check on her, nothing seems wrong with her on the outside.

(Helena)- " Deborah! Just hold on, we're almost there..." she groans and cries--her body starts to steam?! What!? This isn't right!? I felt and arm snake its way around my waist and yank me back away from Deborah. Deborah spontaneously combusted into flames! My eyes widen at the sight of her. Helena fell back, not believing what's happening to her sister. I couldn't believe what my eyes have witnessed. Helena reaches back to her sister, now covered in a hard thick shell once the flames burnt out.

(Helena)- ", this can't be happening" Helena reached for her sister, touching the shell-- whimpering for her sister to come out. A cracking sound came from behind the shell, it separates  and this--gooey like substance pulses out from the shell-- reaching out for Helena. Something from the corner of my eye passes Leon and I and heads straight for Deborah. It penetrates her head and she falls rolling back. A broken down Helena heads to her body in the dark. Leon turns his head, making me curious as well. There, with the sound of heels tapping on the ground...a woman in a red silk dress shirt, black leather like pants and a short cut up haircut. Its her, I remember her.

(Leon)- " Ada!" he seemed surprised. His arm was still around me, Ada's eyes dart at the two of us. Leon slowly releases his arm--sliding off. 

(Ada)- " You look like you've seen a ghost" she says with a smooth tone. Helena stepped forward and held a gun at ada. Her breathing was out of sync...she's fighting back her tears. Leon extends his arm out and places his hand onto of her gun, signaling her that Ada isn't the enemy.She lowers her weapon and breaks down crying...slowly falling to the ground. I reach out for her for comfort. She accepted my sympathy for her.

(Leon)- " Ada, what the hell is going on here?"

(Ada)- " It's complicated" she doesn't give a direct answer. The ceiling above us crackles-- I look up to feel pieces of dust and rumble touch the top of my head. Leon grabs my arm and pulls me up from Helena, but I reach out to her to help her up as well.

(Ada)- " But this isn't the time or the place" she gazes around the area, knowing this place could collapse at any moment.

(Ada)- " These walkways won't hold. We need to get to the lower levels."

(Helena)- " I'm so sorry, Deborah. It's all my fault" she hugs her mutated sister, something comes out the back--- these four spider like legs peel out.

(Leon)- " Helena, get away from her!" he warns.

(Helena)- " no! Stop! Don't shoot, please!" Deborah shoves Helena away falling back near my feet. I help her up but Deborah pounces Helena, Leon grabs me and we both roll out to dodge her. Deborah lays on top of Helena, not ready to attack her yet. I don't know what to do, do I shoot her or not?! 

Strange Comfort (RE6: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#2] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now