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Y/n pov.

I pulled away and I looked at him "I uh I have to go"

I begin to walk away quickly and I hear my name being called "y/n! Wait!"

I turn around the corner and bump into Roger.

"Hey i was coming to give you your room key" I grab it "which room am I?"

"Right here" he points to the room and I nod "thanks goodnight"

I open the door and shut it while locking it.

"Oh my god" I run to my bed and I sit on it.

"What the duck" I whisper .

"That never happened"

Grabbing my laptop and camera off the table I sit on my bed and record "so uh today's day was fun. Um. I gotta finish editing so yeah Goodnight"

I shut it off and begin editing.

2:10 am.

"Shit I Better go to bed"

Closing my laptop I set it beside me on the bed and get under the covers quickly falling asleep.


Y/n pov*

I've been awake for the past hour and I'm laying in my hotel room so I decide to record "hey guys it's me. Basically today I um.-" I stop talking when I hear knocks at my door and I continue talking while walking to the door.

"Yeah I um. The dance things today so I'm gonna watch everyone and that's always exciting"

"Hey guys!" I see everyone standing there and I let them in.

"Ooh I call being in your vlog" Jack takes my camera again and my eyes meet Finns.

I instantly look away and see everyone playing with my camera.

"Alright so yeah we're done with this" I put the camera on the table. "So why are you all here" 

We came to say we are leaving right now and are you meeting or coming with us?" Wyatt asks.

"I'll meet you guys there" I smile looking at finn.

Everyone nods and leaves, but finn stays behind.

I sigh "yes finn?"

He grabs his phone and plays a song.

"When summer slipped us-" the Louvre plays

"Finn what are you doing?" I ask as he gets down on one knee and pulls a box out of his back pocket.

"Look when someone messes up bad in movies, there's usually really cheesy background music playing to set the mood when they ask questions.
Y/F/N you know I'm in love with you. And last night I can tell you still love me too. With this ring I promise to love you and only you. If it means giving up my fame to be with you it's worth it. Y/n this I bought this promise ring because i want to make a promise to you that when you wear this I promise I'll never stop loving you. Please can we try again?"

i can't help but smile a little and I think "clearly you are truly sorry. I'll accept this if you promise to never let anything get between us" he stands up.

"Y/n I promise you. That's why bought you this"

I hug him and he puts it on my finger "so you forgive me?"

I sigh and smile "yes I forgive you finn wolfhard"

He hugs me and he starts to tear up "thank god. I've missed you so much" he cries and that makes me start to cry and we stay like that for maybe a minute and then there was a knock at the door.

It started with you:) finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now