Chapter Nineteen

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Harry's POV

Draco and I have been trying to get pregnant for weeks now. There was something wrong inside the body I have now but I didn't know what. Maybe I have all the woman parts but I'm not fertile. It could be Draco's fault too but I don't think it is. I feel as though it has something to do with the new body. I asked Dumbledore for help and he said he would meet me down at a cafe. I was nervous that he wouldn't be able to do anything and I'd have to go home to Draco only to tell him that we can't have a kid. That would shatter me... I don't know if I could do that.

"You leaving?" Draco asks as he makes the bed, not turning to me as I stand in the doorway. I don't answer and he turns, seeing the fear in my eyes and walking towards me. He wraps his arms around me, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "You're going to be OK, everything will work out fine."

"What if I can't get pregnant?" My deep voice changed to a higher, more girly voice. "What if I can't have a child..."

"We can just adopt, Harry, it's not the end of the world," he kisses me softly. It was weird being a woman but at the same time there were many more positions we could try during sex so that was fun. "I'll see you when you get back," he kisses me goodbye and I leave. I make my way towards the cafe Dumbledore wanted me to meet him at and hesitate outside the door. There was a possibility that when I walk back out of this cafe that I would have been given the heartbreaking news that I can't have a kid.

I take a breath and walk into the place, spotting Dumbledore putting dozens of packets of sugar in his tea. I was hoping he wouldn't drink it because certainly that could only lead to bad things. I sit across from him and he greets me with a smile, pushing the tea aside.

"You're not drinking that?" I ask as I point towards the tea.

"Of course not, it has over thirty packets of sugar in it," he laughs. I join him and a waitress walks over, asking if I wanted to order. I asked for a glass of water and a croissant, not having eaten anything due to nerves. "Harry Potter. Once The Boy Who Lived, now The Boy Who's a Girl," he laughs. I roll my eyes at his lame joke. "How have you been, Harry? Or is it a different name now?"

"It's just Harry," I state as I look down at the table. "It's been a little rough with the whole fertility issue. I know I shouldn't be too bummed when magic doesn't work but I was hoping this would," I look back up at Dumbledore. I haven't even told Sirius I had changed into a girl. I wonder if he'd freak out or go silent from shock. But if Dumbledore couldn't do anything then there was no point since I'd just be returning to a male. Draco said that until I was pregnant, I'd have to keep drinking that potion stuff every week and we were running out. Maybe two weeks left, max.

"When was the last time you two tried to conceive?" He asks as he scoots the tea back, continuing to pour packets of sugar in it.

"Last night, actually," I mumble. I swirled my thumbs around, starting to think there wasn't anything Dumbledore could do. The waitress comes back with the water and croissant, smiling as she turns back around.

"And you said you've been trying for a few weeks?" He pours the last packet of sugar in the cup, looking around for more before using his wand to bring the sugar from another table to ours. He smiles to himself as he continues dumping packets of sugar in the cup.

"Yeah," I answer as I bite into the croissant. It was surprisingly good and I didn't think I would like a croissant this much.

"Hmm," he says as he pours another four packets into the tea. He took a stirring stick and mixed it, the liquid turning thicker. He furrows his brow and shakes his head, adding more sugar.

"Dumbledore, can you do anything?" I ask, becoming impatient as I drink the water. I finish it as I wait for an answer, tapping my finger on the table. He slides the tea over to me, the liquid a gross consistency, almost like molasses.

"Drink that," he says with a straight face.

"What? No, this has three pounds of sugar in it," I push it back but he slides it over to me again, keeping his hands on it so I couldn't move it back.

"Drink," I roll my eyes and pick the tea up, taking a sip and cringing at how much sugar there was.

"Oh, Merlin!" I gag as I push the cup back. "Why did you make me do that?"

"Because I wanted to," he pulls the cup towards him and stirs it again. "What does it feel like?"

"Like I just ate a bunch of sugar, what do you think?" I snap as I cringe at the sweet taste stuck on my teeth and tongue. He hums, looking down at the cup.

"I can't help you, Harry," he says as he looks up at me. I look at him, expecting this to be a joke but when he doesn't say anything else I feel my heart drop. I press my lips and slowly make my way out the door. As I was going back home, I felt a tingle in my stomach. Probably from the amount of sugar I just ate. As I walk through the door, Draco looks up at me from the couch with hopeful eyes. He was reading a potions book, the section at fertility. I felt my heart twist but I couldn't tell him. I can't.

"What'd he say?" Draco sits on the edge of the couch and I swallow the lump in my throat, forcing a smile.

"He made me drink a disgusting mixture," which wasn't exactly a lie but it wasn't what I made it sound like. "Maybe that'll do the trick." I head to bed, unable to look at my husband any longer.

It took a while for me to notice but I was starting to get bigger. My stomach was growing but it was subtle. I take a pregnancy test, praying to Merlin that it worked. I watch the stick in my hands, my hands shaking and my mind racing. I saw the second line form and nearly fainted from relief. I screamed in joy, hearing Draco yell outside the door.

"Harry?! Are you OK?!" I walk towards the door, opening it and looking up into his gray eyes. I had tears dripping from mine and hold up the test. He looked at it with confusion before realization struck and he grabbed me, picking me up and spinning me. "We're pregnant!" He cries, setting me down and capturing my lips in a heated kiss. His eyes were filled with happy tears as mine were and he smiled. "I can't believe we're actually pregnant..."

"Let's wait to tell the others, in case something happens," I say as I pull him down for another kiss.

"What are the names? I think it should be Lyra or Scorpius," he looks down at me.

"What about Albus Severus?" He flinches and shakes his head.

"No. No, Harry, I will not have my children named that, you sentimental twat," he looks at me. "Malfoys are named after constellations," I look up at him and sigh deeply.

"If it's a boy I'm naming him Albus Severus and if it's a girl I'm naming her Lily Potter," I walk away and he huffs behind me.

"No, Potter! We're naming them after the constellations!" He yells behind me, following me into the kitchen.

"Potters are named what the mothers feel like naming them," I argue back.

"But-" I hold a finger to his lips.

"We'll discuss this later when I'm further," I smile at him. I stand on my toes and kiss his nose, kissing his lips afterwards. It was unbelievable that I was finally pregnant. Whatever Dumbledore did, it worked. I had to thank him when I got the chance.

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