Chapter Three

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Harry's POV

"I'm sorry, you what?!" Hermione looks at me like I had just committed the biggest crime or treason. Which, I guess, isn't far off? I mean, I did just make out with Draco Malfoy. He wasn't bad, either. I was impressed, actually. "Harry!"

"What?" I focus back on Hermione, her angry eyes staring at me. Ron was behind her, eyes concerned.

"Are you an absolute idiot?" She looked shocked instead of angry now. "He is probably working some plan to take you down," she glances over towards the Slytherin table quickly before looking back at me. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't want to believe that Draco would go so low as to use me to get something. He's a little more human than that, right? Our encounter earlier made it seem like he wasn't just using me. Unless he's that good of an actor.

"I'll keep my guard up," I respond as I look across the tables to see Draco looking at me. It wasn't his normal sneer, however. It was softer but I couldn't tell what exactly, he was too far away. "I'll take him down first," I set the goal and get up from the table. I didn't want to dwell on the thought of Draco using me. I know I shouldn't put so much trust in him but there was something in the way he looked at me yesterday after the whole thing happened. Not to mention the way he held me and kissed me. Maybe I'm under thinking this.

If Draco was in fact using me, what would be his reason? He wouldn't just use me if he didn't have a good reason for it. He would be a jackass, sure, but that's how he is. He's not the type to do something as wrong as using someone without a reason. Right? If I'm wrong about him then this is going to get extremely messy. I'm hoping I'm not. I really do enjoy kissing him. I need to be careful around him to ensure that nothing happens. I'll have to be sure that I outsmart him in his schemes, if there are any.

I walk to the library, needing to catch up on reading for some of my classes. I needed to understand the curriculum if I am to pass it. I walk inside the library and search for the books. Even while I was searching for the books I was thinking about Draco. I needed to focus on the reading but my mind kept wandering off to Draco's lips. His icy gray stare looking at me with want, like how they were from when we were in the Room of Requirements. I shake my head, ridding the intrusive thoughts from my mind.

"Just focus," I tell myself as I look at the book in my hands. Its pages were old and slightly yellow, the text faded somewhat. I sigh, trying to focus my mind on the words on the text. I finally manage to read some of the text before a familiar voice interrupts.

"Potter, what are you doing here?" Draco asks as he approaches me. I look up at him, his hair softly falling in his face from the style he kept it in. His icy gaze stared at me with such an intensity it made me shudder. I gather myself and find the same sternness from earlier.

"Studying, what are you doing here, Malfoy? Shouldn't you be off tormenting a kid," I snap as I return my attention to the book. When there was no reply, I look up to see Draco with a shocked expression. No, hurt? I couldn't tell what it was, actually.

"That's why I came here," he retorts with a sneer. He snatches the book out of my hands, reading from the book a few lines before looking at me. "It doesn't seem you've gotten far in the book," he hands it back and walks around to kneel behind the chair I was in. He leans in close so his breath was tickling my neck. "What are you really here for, Potter?" I could feel myself buckle under his words but I quickly compose myself before he could manipulate me into anything.

"I told you, studying," I gaze at my book, not actually reading it. How could I when Draco was behind me, his breath on my neck? He was silent for a few moments before I feel hands grasp my shoulders. He moves back to my ear, a soft hiss coming from his lips.

"I don't believe you," he hisses in my ear. A shudder comes over my body and I have to force myself to remain calm so I didn't do something I would regret. He moves his head to the other side, hissing out "What's really on your mind, Potter?" He presses and I could feel myself slipping but I urge myself to keep those walls up. The minute they crumble down was the day everything would go horribly wrong. "Would you like to know what's on my mind?"

He moves to press a kiss to my neck, his hands moving to turn my head. He looks into my eyes with an intense stare before he moves in to kiss me. It was soft and slow, no deceitful meaning behind it. There was no way. Not even the best actor could pretend to kiss like this. It was too gentle and passionate. He slowly deepened the kiss, his hand holding my face carefully. My senses come to and I push him away, gripping onto his shirt as I stare into his eyes.

"Malfoy..." I start, seeing him become slightly uneasy. "What is all this about?"

"What do you mean?" He looks between my eyes as he looked concerned.

"I mean... This. What is all this about? What does it all mean?" I watch his icy gray eyes for a few seconds as he stood there, completely silent. I sighed, shoving him away and returning to my book. "I should've known there was something more behind all of this."

"Potter... You're wrong," he says slowly with a low voice.

"Am I?" I snap and whip around to face him, looking up at him with anger. "What, then? What is it that you want, Malfoy?" We stare at each other and I start to turn away when I hear three words that stopped me in my tracks.

"I want you." He says, matter-of-factly. It wasn't forced, it sounded like he truly meant it. I look back at him, glaring as I study his features. He looked away and I watched him carefully, searching for his true emotions. "I would really like to not say it again so please, Potter, tell me you feel the same." He turns back and he looked vulnerable. It was a look I wasn't used to, a look I wasn't expecting. I've never seen this side of him and I wasn't sure if it was an act. But how can he act that amount of vulnerability? I sigh and hang my head, unable to keep myself together.

"Of course I do, Malfoy," I say as I grab him and pull him closer. I look up at him and study him before I yank him down and smash our lips together. There was a slight hunger in our kiss, an aching need. It was like suddenly we were the only people here. I didn't know what was happening but my head felt light and my chest was tight as Draco deepened the kiss. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach and I felt at ease with him.

His hands slide up to my hair and he tugs at it, biting gently at my lip. He truly was a beautiful man but Merlin I know this is wrong. Not for the reason that we're two boys but for the reason that he's Draco Malfoy. Even if it's as wrong as it is, I didn't care. It felt right to me. His lips fit perfectly against mine and I didn't want to lose that. And I'm hoping he feels the same.

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