Chapter Sixteen

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WARNING!!!!! Smutty smut

Draco's POV

We were at the wedding and everyone was there: my parents, Harry's friends, my friends, Snape, Dumbledore, Sirius, even Hagrid. As we walked around all of the groups, most at the table full of food, Sirius stole Harry away to talk to. I was snacking on some of the healthier of the food, ignoring the pounds of cake. An arm touches my shoulder and I look up to see my father, staring down at me with an unpleased look. Great, here comes the insults.

"Potter," he says as he continues to glare at me.

"Am I going to hear this the rest of my life?" I ask as I look up at him.

"Yes," he continues to stare at me with hateful eyes.

"For marrying Harry?" I felt like he was being unfair but he is my father. Not much I could do to fix that.

"No, for taking his last name," he smiles and throws an arm around my shoulders. I look up at him, confused. "I'm proud of how far you've come, Draco. I would have preferred you keep your last name-"

"It's hyphenated!" I argue, my mother coming to join us.

"Draco!" I hear Harry call, turning to see him with a knife near the cake. I groan, knowing he wanted me to cut the cake with him. I walk towards him, standing beside him as we held the knife together. As he was cutting down it, I wait until he was nearly done before I slam his face into the cake. There were gasps spreading until Sirius breaks the silence with his laughter, Harry standing up with cake around his face and up his nose.

"That's a nice look for you, Potter," I laugh before he shoves my face into the cake. When I come back up, he slams a handful of cake into my face, sliding it down.

"Wait!" Sirius yells, looking concerned. "Is there another cake that we get to eat or is there no longer a cake?" Harry looks at the cake, at me, then at Sirius.

"There was only the one," he explains. Sirius looked heartbroken but he walked forward, cutting a piece for himself from the part that wasn't destroyed and walking away. Snape hands me a towel and congratulates us.

"It's been heavenly not having two love-sick boys staring at each other in my class," he says before walking away and joining Sirius. I wipe my face off with the towel before handing it to Harry.

"I'm going to have cake in my nose for the next three days," he states as he crinkles his nose. I smile at him, not believing how incredibly cute the man was. No, beautiful. And I was married to him. This had to be the best day of my life. When he was done cleaning his face, I pull him towards me and kiss him passionately. Until he took the rag and rubbed it all over my hair. I pull back, my jaw hung.

"How dare-" Hermione interrupts me, nodding towards the dance floor.

"It's time for the first dance you two," she smiles. I look down at Harry and grab his hand, pulling him towards the open floor as slow music plays. We dance slowly, focusing on each other. It was perfect. Just me and him, dancing to soft music with wedding bands on our fingers. It was a dream come true. Until everyone else joined and it went from a slow dance to a rave of a sorts some how. I blame Sirius and Ron.

It was incredibly late when we got home from the wedding, my hair starting to feel gross from the cake Harry put in it. I got the majority out but I must've missed some. I only had a towel wrapped around my hips as I walk out of the shower, drying off my hair. I walk towards our bedroom and walk in on Harry pulling off his shirt, exposing his back muscles. He turns and sees me, his eyes moving down my body as a smile forms on his face.

"What are you looking at, Potter?" I snap as I go to toss the towel I was drying my hair with into the dirty hamper.

"Checking out my incredibly hot husband, Potter," I turn and see him walking towards me. I swallow a lump, my cheeks heating up. His hands run up from my hips to my shoulders, pulling me to him closely. He kisses me, heated and lustful. He moves to trail kisses along my neck, making me moan as he hits a sensitive spot. I could feel his hands traveling lower until they were on my hips, carefully moving them into his. He bites my lower lip, earning a moan in return.

He rips the towel form my hips, my bottom half exposed to the cool air. He picks me up and carries me to the bed, climbing on top of me. He was still half dressed but him shirtless was hot enough to get me fully erect. He trails kisses down from my lips slowly, ever slowly, towards my dick. He kisses the inner thigh, sucking gently before moving to the other thigh and doing the same thing. He moves on to kiss the base of my dick, looking up at me with such intense green eyes I could have came right then.

He moves to position himself before grabbing onto my dick, gently pumping before becoming much more rough. He adds his mouth, his tongue swirling around the head before he grazes his teeth gently along the shaft. I throw my head back, the pleasure otherworldly. I'm not sure how he's able to make me feel this good but dammit I'm glad he can. He twists his hands around my dick as he bobs his head up and down, my body feeling like it's floating. I wasn't sure if I loved when he did this or when we had our regular sex more but I was kind of leaning towards this. The teeth was what tipped the scale, I think.

He removes his mouth and I look down to see him looking at me. He climbs over me, biting his lip before crashing into my own lips. I heard him taking off his belt so I flip us so I could help. He reaches down and started to prep himself but I move his hand away, doing it myself. I start with a single finger, still kissing his lips as I move around. He bucked his hips gently against my finger, moaning and whining until I put a second finger in. Eventually, I got a third finger in, stretching him.

"Draco, hurry the hell up," Harry demands. I laugh as he reaches towards me, trying to get me to go faster. I purposely go slower, moving my fingers out slow and hearing him groan in annoyance. I ready myself in front of his entrance, pushing slowly in until I was all the way. I rubbed his thighs, pumping his dick before I started moving slowly. I eased my way into harder movements, listening to his moans as his nails dug into my back. "Faster," he hissed at me, gripping painfully tight on my arm.

I do as he says and position myself to thrust faster into him at an angle that had him crying out my name between breaths and moans. I should say screams with how loud he's being. He gripped the bed sheets, moaning out my name as I felt him tighten slightly around me. He was close and so was I. He felt too good for me to last very long. I grip harder on his hips as I come closer to my end. I barely heard Harry whisper out my name before he came onto his stomach, moaning as he threw his head back. I came after him, milking out my orgasm before moving to lay beside Harry.

"Merlin," I mutter through breathless sighs. I turn my head and see Harry with his eyes closed, his chest moving up and down quickly.

"Yeah..." he mumbles before getting up to clean himself off. I watch him leave, looking down at his round behind before laying back in the bed. I start to doze off until I felt arms around me, snuggling into my side. I wrap an arm around Harry, pulling him close as we fell asleep.

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