Chapter Four

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Draco's POV

It was the day after I found Harry in the library. He's ignored me all day but yet he's glanced at me whenever he could. I needed to get the plan going if I was to find out what I wanted soon. I didn't want to drag this out any longer than what was needed. I merely needed answers. But with him avoiding me, it was proving to be much more difficult. I thought yesterday he would have bought my act, saw how madly in love I was with him. Maybe that's just it. Maybe I was showing too much affection and that is what's hindering my results.

But even if I did show too much affection, why did he look at me so angrily? Wouldn't it have been softened from our encounters? Maybe that weasel is filling his head with lies. Or could it be the other one? One of them has to be interfering with my plans. I'll have to figure a plan out for them as well, won't I? Granger, I suspect, will be the harder of the two to get to. I'll have to wedge myself into her trust before I could try to manipulate her. But how? I turn the corner and nearly run into Harry.

"Watch where you're going, you-" I stop myself short before I could say the insult. I look down at Harry, his green eyes annoyed behind his glasses. I needed to think of something to say to him to get him to trust me but I was on the spot. "What are you doing here, Potter?" I mentally groan, knowing that that wasn't the sentence I was looking for. Harry scoffs, Hermione looking up at me with hatred while Ron hovered behind her with a look of disgust. His nose was crinkled as he stared at me, his eyes just as hateful as Hermione's.

"Going to the library," he looks up at me with eyes that are daring me to follow him. The look alone was enough to send shivers down my spine. His arm brushes against mine as he pushes past me, leaving me standing there. I curse myself for letting him slip by like that, wanting to follow him but knowing better. As long as those two gits were around him there was no way I could get to him. I'd have to catch him before he goes to the dormitories.

I sneer and walk away from the spot, occupying my mind with the plan. I run over it, making sure that it's foolproof. The only gaps are the two gits he's always with. I'd have to keep getting Harry alone until he's comfortable with me. But if I do that, another problem will arise. His friends will realize that he's gone. That could only lead to problems I don't have time to deal with. I needed Harry to open up to me but I have to play a sentimental fool in order to do it.

I knew it was stupid of me but I go to the library, seeing Harry reading with his two friend beside him. He looked incredibly cute when he was reading. He furrowed his brow slightly as he read, his lips turned slightly up. He sat with his legs under him and would occasionally set the book down to rub his eyes, lifting his glasses up on his face as he does so.

I realized I was staring and walk to the back of the library, grabbing a book to pass time as I wait out the plan. Surely his friends would tire and soon head to bed, right? I read a book on spells as I look up to see if they were still there once every few pages. It took them quite some time before they finally got up, asking if Harry was coming with them. He tells his friends that he's staying to read a bit longer and they bid him goodnight. Finally, I had my chance. I put the book I was reading back on the shelf and walk towards Harry.

"Why are you stalking me, Malfoy?" He asks when I come within a few feet of him. His words froze me in my place, my heart sinking. Did he know the whole time I was there? What could have possibly given me away? Perhaps it was when I stood at the entrance of the library and stared at him. You twit, I curse in my head. "Are you going to continue to stand behind me?"

"No, you git," I sneer and walk to sit at the seat beside him. He looked at me with green eyes, eyes that told me he's not impressed. I was seriously blowing this plan. I needed to figure out why I was feeling these... Things when I look at him. Even when I touch him. Whatever they are, they'll be the cause of my plan's demise.

"Why do you insist on bothering me?" He asks as he looks down at his book.

"Why do you insist on being rude?" I snap, earning a mean glare from the spectacled man.

"You're the one acting snippy and stalking me," he barks back. I open my mouth to speak but his words had me stumped. I shut my mouth with a soft pop and look away from him. He sighs and closes his book, looking at me. "Malfoy, what are you doing?" I look at him, unsure what he means. "Why are you suddenly so interested in me?"

"Because I-"

"I would prefer you not lie to me," I look at him. I've always felt something towards him, since around our third year, but how could I express that? We were both boys and not to mention we were enemies. What are you thinking? You don't feel anything towards the git, you're only getting information. "Malfoy?"

"I don't know, Potter. It just... feels right to be around you," Why did you say that. "It doesn't help that I get these... butterflies in my stomach when you touch me." Stop talking. "I tried to ignore them but when you kiss me they increase," Shut. UP. Harry studies my face for a few seconds before squinting his eyes at me, analyzing me further. He stands up and walks over to the shelf to put away his book. When he turns around to face me, he looks up with annoyed eyes.

"Why would I trust you now? Just because we kissed?" He shakes his head and walks to plop down on the seat he was just in. I join beside him, making sure I wasn't touching him."You have tormented me since I first got here but suddenly you want to be friends?"

"More than friends," I correct. He looks at me with shocked but hopeful eyes before they change into a hard gaze.

"More than friends," he scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, because you've had such a crush on me. I know you, Malfoy. You want something. You're scheming. You are always scheming to mess up my life in some way or-" I cut him off by kissing him, holding the back of his neck with one hand while the other supported me. I felt him tense under the kiss and I gently kiss him before pulling away, seeing his conflicted gaze stare at the ground in front of him. His eyes darted back and forth on the ground as he thought.

He looks at me before grabbing me by the collar and bringing me to his lips again. He trails the kisses down my jaw and to my neck, gently feathering kisses along my neck. He kisses his way back to my lips, biting my lower lip before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. He slowly lets his hands run down my sides until they rested on my hips, gripping tightly. He pulls his lips away, resting his forehead on mine.

"We can't keep doing this," he says as he feathers kisses on my lips. "We're gonna get in trouble," he pecks my lips again. I could feel my heart racing out of my chest, his kisses all I want to feel.

"It feels so wrong," I say as I kiss him gently for a few seconds before pulling back. "But I want more," I hover above his lips, teasing him with mere grazes.

"I do, too," he answers before smashing his lips into mine and we sit like that, our lips locked and holding onto each other. He shifts so I straddle his hips, deepening our kiss. It was a kiss that I never wanted to end, I wanted it to keep on going. It was perfect. The moment. The feelings in my chest increased and I could feel the same amount of passion being returned through Harry's kiss, maybe even more. I could have stayed like that. In his arms, kissing his lips. Just the two of us, no one else to worry about. It was truly perfect.

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