Chapter Seven

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Minor language. Smut

Harry's POV

Draco was more open about our relationship. He would sometimes touch me. Not like a passing by kind of touch, an arm against arm kinda touch. Not to mention the occasional hand holding. He would even kiss me in front of people. We had gotten strange looks and people started whispering but the more he did it, the less people cared. I was thinking it was going to be a much bigger problem than how it actually ended up but I guess I was wrong.

I looked around for Draco, having a "meeting" with him in the library. We weren't going to do anything sexual, of course. It was just going to be kisses and studying. That's it. It's taken Hermione a while to get used to seeing us together but Ron... He seems like he's more affected by it than she is. He kept his mouth shut most of the time but I could see in his eyes how disappointed he is. But I'm sure he'll get over it, I mean he's my best friend so he has to. Right?

I spot Draco leaning against a wall outside of the Great Hall and walk up to him. He smiles once he sees me, bringing me into a kiss. He lingers a few seconds before pulling back and entwining our fingers. It was odd seeing him actually smile at me. He was still Draco, the same asshole as before but now he wasn't so vindictive. It was nice but sometimes I did miss the old Draco's insults. He still says them but they're not as rude or deep, more on the lines of teasing. Which was fine with me.

"Ready to study?" He asks with a smirk, pulling me down the hallway towards the library. I could tell in his smile he had other intentions other than us just studying. I was interested in what he had stored for me. Some days it was just cuddling and kisses while others we were grinding on top of each other. It really just depended on our moods or how much homework we actually had. A couple of kids had walked in on us making out before- the poor souls had the look of absolute terror on their faces.

Draco pulls me into the library and tells me to take a seat on the couch while he went to get the desired book. He came back with a heavy book, its spine larger than my hand. He takes a seat beside me, moving my legs out of the way. I place them on top of his lap once he was comfortable and lean forward to read with him. He looks at me, gray eyes gazing before he leans in and gives me a quick kiss. He opens the book once our lips detach, clearing his throat as he looks down at the page he opened up to.

"So we have to learn all of this by Monday for our test," he looks at me with a passionate gaze. I could tell that he wanted to study but he also wanted to do other things. Things that included me and my body. He leans over and captures my lips in a hot kiss, his hand snaking behind my neck. He pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. "I think I'd rather learn about you," he smiles as he pulls away.

"Like what?" He kisses my nose before kissing my lips.

"Why are you so irresistible, Potter?" He starts, his finger twirling the hairs on my neck. He kisses me again, gently moving against my lips. He brushes my hair back as he looks into my eyes before his eyes dart up. He was looking at my scar. "How'd you get this," he reaches up to touch it but I flinch away.

"Don't touch it," I warn. He retrieves his hand, a concerned look on his face. I watch his eyes for a minute before sighing, looking down. I didn't see what was wrong in telling him. "It's... a scar from the Dark Lord," he sucks in a breath as he stares at the scar. How does he not know? I thought everyone knew...

"How did he give it to you?" He looks at me with interested yet concerned eyes. When I remain silent, he grabs onto my hands and holds tightly. "You don't have to answer that," he says gently. I shake my head, telling him the story of how I got it and what happened to my family. He sat there, listening with furrowed brows. He squeezed my hands but didn't speak. I didn't blame him. What do you say to something like that? "I'm sorry I asked," he pulls me to him and kisses me softly.

"Let's get go back to studying," I offer and he agrees. Despite us staying up to study, my mind wasn't grasping anything I read or anything Draco explained. It was remembering everything that happened the past few years, everything that had to do with Voldemort. He was truly a man I hated. Even with Draco holding me in his arms as he read, comforting me with kisses once in a while, didn't help my mind cease from the memories. They were invading my head and I couldn't get rid of them.

Draco eventually noticed that my mood wasn't changing and he set the book down. He embraces me completely in his arms, kissing my head as he whispers to me. He told me that I was going to be OK. It wasn't that I was afraid of myself being OK. It was more for everyone else. I've heard about the things Voldemort has done, how powerful he is. Dumbledore has told me that I'm the only one that can defeat him. But... What if I can't?

"Harry?" I look up at Draco and see the concern, his gray eyes searching my green eyes. He was holding me tight to his body, gently stroking my back and trying to comfort me as best he could. "Are you doing alright?" I look at him before bringing his lips to mine and kissing him with need. With a hunger. I straddle his hips, wanting to distract my mind. I grind into his hips, hinting him. He pulls away and looks at me, "Not here," he smiles and takes my hand in his. He walks in front of me, our fingers still entwined as he walks towards the Room of Requirements.

We walk in and he looks down at me as we stand in front of the door. He smiles, bending down slightly and picking me up. I wrap my legs around him as he kisses me. He brings me to the couch, crawling on top of me until our lips meet again. He grinded his hips into mine, biting on my lower lip. I moan into his lips as he kisses me, his hips moving against mine. I push him back and straddle his hips, his legs over the side of the couch.

"I want to try something," I smile as I continue to grind my hips as I watch him carefully. I kiss him, my hands running down his chest until I reach the top of his pants. I undo them, tugging them off as I keep our lips together. I open his shirt so I can run my hands back up his chest, feeling the smooth skin. I move back, looking into his gray eyes as I smile. My hands run back down his body until they rested on his thighs, pushing them apart.

"Potter, what are you doing?" He asks as he watches me. I slowly move down, kissing my way to his dick. I press a soft kiss to the base of it before going down to the head and kissing it. He was pretty big, I'm not sure if I'll be able to actually do this. I hold his dick up so I can lick up it before taking it into my mouth. "Merlin," he breathes as I begin to bob my head and twist my hand around strategically, earning a moan.

I sit back on my heels so I could take my glasses off, setting them aside before going back to pleasuring Draco. I could feel him twitching slightly in my mouth and move faster, grazing his dick with my teeth. He sucks in a breath, telling me to do that again. I follow his command and lightly graze my teeth along the shaft. I keep going until he breathes out my name.

"I- I'm going-" he lets his head fall back as he comes into my mouth. He groans, finishing and looking down at me. "Merlin, Potter," he mumbles as he holds his arms out to me. I rise back up and sit on his lap, his mouth crashing into mine. We make out for what seems like hours before we go to our dormitories, sneaking through before we're caught.

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