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Chapter 1

"Hurry up!" Shouted Mom, Johanna, "remember the point is that you need to be cute okay."

I changing for a photo session I had for the cover of people magazine. The world was going to see me as the daughter of NY top model, but I decided that if the world had to see me, I would have to make a good impression. Right?

"Coming," I replied.

I came out of the dressing room walking as a queen. I looked at my mom's face that was a statue that had a wide mouth; she was looking strait into my soul with burning eyes.

"Are you trying to ruin me girl?!" she asked angrily.

"This girl is gonna make a lot of money," added Paul, the photographer happily.

I looked at the mirror; I saw my brown hair tied up in a high, side ponytail that reached to the end of my elbow with some random blue curvy ends. I saw my left ear covered with four piercing and another one in my in my bellybutton (that looked real but are false.) I was wearing a red tank top and a pair super short jean shorts and heels. I looked at the dream catcher tattoo that Mark had made near my bellybutton (also false.) I smiled.

"What are you doing with heels young lady, you're almost fourteen and you have the height of a ten year old with them, Summer."

"Well the purpose of using heels is to look taller, duh" I responded bored as the flashes of the camera appeared and disappeared every second.

"You know what," my mom pulled my arm and slapped me, "you are punished for the rest of the summer, I was going to take you to my tour with your sister, May, but after you just did you are staying here with May."

"Paul take a picture of this," I yelled with my cheek still burning. I stuck out my tongue and my middle finger; flashes emerged from the camera as quick as a lightning.

"You should follow May's example you know, Summer!" She screamed at me.

"May, May, May," I answered walking away, "may I go now?"

"Just go you dirty b*tch... you know where the limo is." She said ending the fight, "And don't even think of going somewhere else, you go strait home, I'm going to call Dave to check."

I kept walking till I got out of the building and saw the limo parked beside. Dave, the driver was waiting for me, "Hi Dave, can I borrow your phone, mine run off of battery."

"Of course missy whenever you want." Dave said handing me the phone.

"Thanks," I said calmly, I spotted a puddle of water in by my right foot. While Dave opened the door for me I falsely slipped and let the phone fall on the puddle. "I'm so sorry," I lied with a sweet voice, "its that it is too slippery out here because it rained yesterday, but don't worry my mother can buy you a new one."

"It's okay, lets just leave it there, it's already damaged, now enter please," Dave responded with a little resentment.

Problem number one, solved now Johanna can't call Dave. Problem number two, in process convince Dave to take you to where ever you want.

"Hi," a familiar voice said, it was May, my older sister the favorite one of Johanna probably because she is not adopted. She looked at me like if she could read my thoughts, "so, where are we going?" she asked smiling knowing what my plan was.

I smiled back, "To San Francisco, I guess, I've always wanted to visit it.

"I thought you're mom said to go to your house." Dave sounded confused.

"She told us we could go to where we wanted to and at first I told her that I wanted to stay here but we changed my mind recently and my mom said it was fine," I replied quickly and confident.

"Yeah and she is going to a tour through Europe, is not like she would care where we are if we are safe, lets just get going."

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