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I didn't know what was waiting for me out there. In seven years I changed a lot, but in one afternoon all my life changed.

I know what you're thinking what is this person talking about she is crazy. But never forget this quote- "You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are."-

So let me tell you a summary of my first 13 years of my life. I grew up in orphanage because my mother or father or both decided to abandon me, the only thing they let me with was a beautiful bracelet with a half-broken blue stone. When I turned five I tried to get back my bracelet from Ms. Tiana that took it from me and said she was going to sell. They found me before I could hide it. She took a stick of metal; they put the tip into the burning fire for a while. She raised little bit my shirt for my back will be exposed, they took the metal stick and put it on my back. I remember the pain of boiling stick in my skin. That was the first time I really faced pain. After that I was sent to another orphanage. Almost a year later Johana Millontte the Top Model, three months later is today but let me begin before everything turned around.

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