Rejection or confession

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I've been dealing with a little bit of a writer's block, so this may not be the best one-shot that I've written. The ideas just don't come that easily as they used to be tbh.

But at least I have memes😂

Enjoy 🙃.

"Simon, no! I told you to quit saying that!" Josh said sternly, slamming his fists on the tabletop.

The man was never the one to be pissed, no. Not even when he was distressed, he rather whined then, but never raged, or shouted. But now he was fuming. His last action made his blonde friend jump slightly, Simon's eyes widening as he backed away from him. His own drunken state not helping the situation either. Well that was the reason behind this fuss really.

"Joshy." Simon slurred in a more gentle tone leaning on the fridge behind him. "I-I wa-was serious."

Josh shook his head massaging his temple with one hand for a few seconds before he spoke up. "Yeah, yeah. Of course you were. Drunk as fuck, out of your mind seriousness right there." He said sarcastically folding his arms over his chest.

Simon growled,  taking a seat so quickly he felt dizzy from the movement. "No Josh. I lo-."

"Don't." Josh hissed holding up a hand  to him to shut him up. "You're only saying this because you're drunk. It was a mistake to come out to you really..."

You're wondering what's going on? Let me tell you.

After breaking up with Freya Josh's first thing to do was to tell Tobi why it had happened. His dark skinned friend supported him and encouraged him to tell someone else- preferably his crush- how he felt, from the minute he came out to him. But now there was nothing that Josh's ever regretted more than doing exactly what he was told.

It happened on the same afternoon when our story is being placed. Simon listened as his bearded friend pour his heart out to him, clinging onto every word of his, as Josh was fidgeting with his hands, celarly not comfortable to talk about this sensitive topic to him. Simon was very well  surprised to learn this new information about Josh, but he didn't mind it, not in one bit. He hugged him tightly as soon as he was done with his speech, telling him that he could talk to him about this whenever he felt like it, and that he was proud of him- so, so proud.

But then a 'True or false' video happened with MiniLadd -which was just a good cause to get drunk in reality. 10 vodka shots and Simon couldn't stand on his feet properly, however, those limbs somehow managed to carry him downstairs, since he'd found out that the man he was looking for, was not in his room.

Josh was happily concocting by the stove, humming a tune that was familiar to Simon, to himself, when the blonde started giggling behind him and snaked his arms around his torso, whispering 'You know that I love you, right?'

Josh thought that he was making fun of his newly discovered sexuality. He couldn't take him seriously. Shoving him away and turning off the stove he told him to stop, but Simon just kept saying endearing things to him.

And this is where we were now. Josh wanting nothing other than a hot bath and Simon to go away and sober up.

Simon was about to protest again, but Josh was faster to cut him off, sighing. "Just... Go to sleep."

"I don't want to." There was no quiver in his voice this time as he was looking at him in the eyes. "I might be drunk, but that doesn't mean that I don't find you pretty when I'm n-not intox.. Intoxicated."

"We'll find out tomorrow." Josh murmured stepping next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Go to sleep, please. For me."

Simon gave him a smirk, letting out a low chuckle. "Only if y-you join  me."

Josh rolled his eyes with a scowl then said. "Right."

People always said that Josh was a smart guy. Well this current compulsive behaviour of his showed otherwise. Because drunken mistakes, thoughts, and confessions are actually carefully hidden sober desires.

In anyway so ever, he had no idea why Simon would say such things for him. When he'd told him that he was bisexual, he never said how he discovered it, or if there was a certain someone who made him realise. Sure, he liked the other man's company and spending as much time as possible with him, but never actually did anything to express his feelings to him.

The possibility of Simon finally realising he could have a chance with him did not cross his mind. And throwing around 'those three small words' was really Simon's thing. Josh could never quite understand that, how he could say it so easily. To almost anyone. Maybe this is why he didn't believe it. If Josh said it he really meant it. But Simon? That's another story.

The brunette escorted Simon into his room, gently pushing him onto his bed. It didn't matter how hard he tried to tuck him in, the blonde kept rolling around, never keeping still as he was a giggling mess.

"I-I told y-you to j-join meee" He sang finally resting on his back for a few seconds.

"And I told you that I will." Josh mumbled covering the other's laying body with the blanket.

When he was leaning down, Simon's long arms entwined around his torso, pulling him down onto the bed- on top of the blonde.

"Jesus Christ." The brunette groaned, trying to get out of his firm grip, rolling onto his side so he was not crushing his friend. (crush lmao)

"C-come.. Come on n-now. I l-liked  you there." Simon giggled, holding him still next to him.

"Sure." Josh shook his head, smelling the strong scent of alcohol  that was coming out of Simon's lips. "God, how much did you drink? You smell like a minibar."

"Just a f-few shots." Simon shrugged, snaking one of his legs around Josh's body.

"I'm going to watch that video so I'll have proof that it was more than a few." The older of the two remarked, observing the misty blue eyes of the other man.

The corners of Simon's lips formed into a grin before he wet his lips. "Good. Y-you never watch t-them any-anyway."

"That's not true." Josh objected, noticing that with each second it was harder for Simon to keep his eyes open.

"Mhm." With that he closed his eyes as his breathing evened out.

"I love you."

Those were the whispered words that made Josh wide awake. The first thing he saw was Simon's tired expression in the barely lit room, -that certainly wasn't his own- inches away from his  face.

"Hi." Simon chuckled, slightly moving back to give Josh space. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"What time is it?" Josh squinted his eyes, looking around, trying to calculate the time since he's been there.

"4 am." Simon answered after checking it on his phone. "I woke up, feeling sick. Now I'm fine, mostly because you're still here." The last part made Simon blush so he had to hide his face behind the blanket.

"I... Did you really say what I've heard you say?" Josh inquired, not too sure if that was the right moment for that question.

Simon gave him a puzzled look, narrowing his eyes as he was thinking. "What'd you mean?"

"That you loved me."

Silence. That was the worst nerve-racking thing for the both of them. The boys both knew that this could go two ways. One, Simon telling him that he did not say that, and starts wondering if Josh was dreaming about it. Two, Simon  confirms that he'd in deed said that, and then he waits for Josh's response. A rejection or a confession.

"Yeah. I did."

That was enough for Josh to bring his hand up to Simon's cheek and caress it slowly.

"Good. Because I love you too."

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