Paper balls

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The meme above is mine 😂 Short one, but it can have a second part.


Simon Minter. Your ordinary guy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, loves football and video games. Aged 22 and single.

Well he was the one who ran into the class-room late, when he was supposed to be writing his first exam of the term.

For his luck the professor was not there yet, as he was only a minute late, so he still had time to flop down onto an empty chair, two seats away from a guy -whom he had never seen before- and pull out his phone to check one last thing in his notes.


The exam was quite alright, since it was the test type in which you had to circle the answers. Simon still had some time before he had to hand in the papers, so he decided to look around for a bit, not too markedly though, just in case the examiner or the professor thought that he was trying to cheat.

The boy to his right seemed like he was around the his age. Dark brown hair, a well-kept beard, a white button-up shirt, and black jeans were the only things that Simon could see from that angle.

When their time was up the bearded boy handed in his paper before Simon. That's when the latter noticed that he was not much shorter than him, not as he'd expected him to be. As he walked past him, he flashed him a shy smile, quickly avoiding his gaze afterwards. Simon felt like his heart might've skipped a beat.

He is pretty. Simon thought, robotically giving his own paper to the professor, then walked back to gather his things. His pen and coat. He didn't need much else, as he was not in primary school anymore, hence why he often brought only a notebook, not even bothering to bring something to write with, because he knew that someone would be willing to lend him one anyways.

Before he knew it, the guy disappeared into thin air, taking away Simon's last chance to talk to him that day.

Thursday. Simon was late again. Skipping his first lecture, deciding that there was no point in waking up so early in the morning, he still managed to oversleep somehow. Thankfully, his dorm was about ten minutes away from campus so he was only five minutes behind time.

Collecting his breath after practically running, he sneaked into the auditorium, taking the nearest seat.

The guy from the day before happened to be sitting in front of him,   studiously taking notes, not like most of the people there, who were either on their phones, or asleep. He glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow, shaking his head slightly.

Simon was rather confused by his actions, but didn't say anything, as he tried to concentrate on the lecture.

But every time the brunette made a movement his attention shifted onto him, making it impossible for him to know what the professor was talking about.

"You new here?" He wrote down onto a piece of paper that he tore out of his notebook early, as quietly as possible.

He lightly tapped the brunette's shoulder, making him jump slightly, then turn around.

"What?" He asked in a low tone, waiting for Simon to speak.

"Uhm..." Simon was not too sure about what he wanted anymore, so he just waved a hand at him dismissively. "Nothing."

The boy scowled at that, shrugging his shoulders as he turned back around.

Idiot. Simon thought, putting a hand on his forehead, slapping himself slightly, for acting so strangely.

All of his confidence vanished when that boy turned towards him. Simon had no clue why, due to it never happening before, especially with a guy.

He collected himself, glancing at the clock on the wall to see how much time he had. Seeing half of the lecture had passed, he quickly crumpled up his paper into a ball. Leaning forward slightly, extending his arm, he gracefully let it fall out of his hand and land on the other boy's desk.

A few minutes later the other boy pretended to drop something onto the floor, so that the professor didn't see that he passed a paper to Simon.

"Yes. R u always l8?" Was written on it in a neat, rather legible handwriting.

Simon chuckled at that, getting a few glances from his felow students.

He turned it around, not wanting to waste more paper -as the brunette's one was big enough to chat on- writing something cheesy on it.

"No. Only when I know u r gonna b here."

He felt like such a child for doing this. Throwing paper balls secretly to somebody in the middle of something that he should be listening to, was something that adults didn't do on a regular basis. Or ever.

"Wow. U didn't even no dat I was gonna b here."

Came the answer with a winky and a surprised face at the and.

"Sixth sense." Simon tore another paper out, so he could write a longer text this time. "What's your name btw :)?"

The clock was  ticking loudly, reminding Simon that the lecture was goint to be over soon, so he needed an answer quickly.

"Josh. Yours?"

That was the last message that Simon recieved before the bell rang, signalling that they most likely had to part ways.

The blonde quickly got up, dropping his stuff into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, stepping next to Josh.

Simon put the last paper onto the brunette's desk with a huge grin.

"Your date for tonight."

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