A thousand times

691 23 2

This book's been full of fluff recently, I swear.
Anyways this is a oneshot in which they are not together yet, but it's not an alternative universe.

If you'd seen 13 reasons why, you'll know the song, but I'd put it up there anyways.


"I'm buying Nando's. Be downstairs in five and we'll go." Simon stated after they've both turned off their cameras and exited the game that they were playing.

It was only a one v. one game between him and Josh, since the others were all busy or they couldn't  join their server. 

The two boys were talking about food almost through the whole video and kept trying to make the other pay for their meal if they'd done something they said they would most likely do; like winning for ten-nill or letting each other score from pity. However none of those had happened so the blonde offered that he would take Josh out this time, joking about it being a date.

"Fine. But I'll drive then."The brunette murmured exiting the call and making sure his recording was saved.

They both got dressed and met in the kitchen in said time,  looking fresh and ready to go.

Josh put on a jacket before they entered the garage, just in case the weather got chilly while they were out, the blonde insisting on not doing the same thing saying that that would'nt happen.

"You sure, you wanna go to Nando's?" Josh asked, his eyes resting on the road as they were heading towards the city.

"I'm positive... I mean if you don't wanna go somewhere else." The blonde shrugged looking out the window,  stealing side glances from the other man from time to time.

"It's cool. As long as it's food I'm up for it." He chuckled taking a sharp turn making Simon's hand, which was lazily on the blonde's lap, land on his left thigh to steady himself.

"Sorry." Simon apologised quickly, retracting his hand with a slight blush on his face.

"It's okay." Josh murmured, looking at him for a second, as they stopped at a red light. "I shouldn't have made such a sharp turn and make you lose your balance." He smiled shaking his head apologetically.

Simon smiled back, giggling to himself silently. "Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it." He commented silently.

"Not denying it." Josh flirted back pulling up in the car park,  that was near the restaruant they were going to.

Simon only smiled, being satisfied with that answer, but he would never say that out loud.

They removed their seat-belts at the same time, along with opening the door with one hand.

"Wow. That was weird." Josh remarked, closing the door behind him and locking the car.

"They say that we're almost always on the same wavelink,  you know." The blonde shrugged joining Josh as they walked, now next to each other.

"Guess, those people who say that are right." The bearded boy smiled, playing with the thought of saying something more cheesy and making the blonde all flustered or the night weird.

"Mhm." Simon hummed opening the door of Nando's for Josh. "Only after you, my dear."

The boys shared a laugh as they entered the queue to order something.

"The usual?" Simon asked looking around for an empty table in the crowded restaurant.

"Yeah. I'll go and find us a table, if you don't mind it."

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