Special treatment

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This one was requested by @Jacksepticeye4eva

I hope you enjoy it🙃

Ps: Guys, @sparklingzerkaa  & @Lia24x sorry for not writing yours yet, but I don't feel like killing them anytime soon in my oneshots, sorry.

It's gonna happen eventually, okay?☺

Simon was driving on the highway back from his parents' house on a foggy Friday night.

He was casually humming along  the silent tunes of the radio, when suddenly a pair of huge head-lights showed up in front of him. He was quick to react, turning the steering wheel to the left to get out of the trucks way. Although he didn't head-on collide with it, he still wasn't fast enough to avert the accident.

The truck hit the side of his car making a giant dent in it, shattering the windows on that side. Thankfuly Simon's car was big enough so it didn't flip over at the impact.

In any way so ever the blonde boy was laying on the dashboard of his car when the ambulance finally came, unconscious and bleeding heavily.

Red and blue flashes, ear-splitting sirens,  then darkness. Those were the only things he'd remembered from that night.


Josh paced around in his room, with his phone in hand.

"Where the hell is he?" He mumbled, letting out a frustrated sigh after the umpteenth time of trying calling him.

Simon was supposed to be back home at least an hour ago and Josh was starting to get worried. He called him after he'd left his parents' home to let Josh know when they could record.

He jogged down the stairs into the kitchen where Vik was currently having a deep converstation with JJ. Josh didn't want to disturb them, but he did regardlessly.

"Hey guys, do you know anything about where Simon could be?"

JJ looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Hey. He's at his parents', isn't he?"

"He was. He told me two hours ago that he'd be here in around thirty minutes, and he still hasn't come back." Josh sighed taking a seat on the stool next to JJ.

"He must be stuck in traffic. Don't worry Josh, he's fine." JJ reassured him smiling.

"At night?! Traffic jams don't happen at nigh." Josh stated crossing his arms. "I'll call him again."

The bearded boy got up and left the kitchen. He dialled Simon's number, but it went straight to voice-mail.

"Whyyy?" Josh whined, sitting down on the floor in front of the door. "No, this is creepy." He changed his mind, but when he got up his phone started ringing.

"Unknown number?" He mumbled, pressing accept. "Hello, Josh Bradley's phone who-"

"Good evening Mr. Bradley, I'm Mrs. Rogers, the matron of London Bridge Hospital."

Josh gasped, already assuming the worst.

"Are you family to Simon Minter? You were the last one he'd talked to." The lady asked making Josh nod, then realised she couldn't see it.

"Almost." He breathed out,  his voice shaky. "We are really good friends and flat-mates. Did something happen to him, Mrs. Rogers?"

He slowly slid down on the wall to the floor again as the woman continued. "He's been in a car crash."

"Oh my... Is he okay?" Josh interrupted her, gasping.

"He's stable right now, but I can't say anything else yet. He would appreciate some company when he wakes up, I'm sure" She sighed, saying the last  sentence in a sweet tone.

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