Boo's wedding day (sequeal to Boo's teenage years)

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Plot summary:

Boo and Russel are finally getting married. After getting engaged at 18, they waited three years but are now ready to tie the knot. Everyone is excited and eager for the ceremony. It won't be big. Just a small ceremony in the Fredrickson's house.... But in a terrible turn of events, the day of the wedding proves to turn out more dreadful than anyone planned.

On Boo's wedding day, history will be rewritten. Lives changed and lost. Memories erased and faded. Loves will never happen. Friendships are never born. Disasters will strike of monstrous proportions. All because one blue and purple polka dotted monster had to change his bowtie.


Okay so this is the sequeal to Boo's teenage years. If you haven't read that yet I suggest reading it before this. If you have read the story already, you know how these books work. It's a mash up of all sorts of pixar and disney movies. References will be made, jokes will be written. The usual references wil be here. Monsters inc. Rattotoullie, lilo and stitch, the works. A few more refernces will be made as well. But I can't tell you them because it would spoil some of the book and plot twists!

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