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brendon and sarah wanted me to stay home but i refused and went to school yet. "i will lash out on those stupid hoes!" i hissed, as they BOTH drove me to school. "no you won't. you won't fight anyone" brendon said casually. "what if i cant help it?" i asked. "your a good girl lana. you can hold it in. and if shit gets too much then go to the bathroom or a teacher and scream" sarah advised me. "screamings fun" i agreed.

sarah walked me to the main office and explained the situation so i didn't get into trouble. i went to my third class as it was time for that. i had english with jade. i walked in ten minuets late but i didn't get in trouble. i gave the teacher my note and sat next to jade. "what's up?" she asked. "long story. i'll explain later" i promise

"how's the loser?" the people (gigi, mike, sadie, logan and eddie) who pushed tammy asked me and jade. "you think what you did was funny!?" i got up. "lana don't!" jade exclaimed. "does the little celebrity wanna stand up for her loner friend?" gigi laughed. "oh shut up! the only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait!" i shot. people started looking. and recording.

"if you really want to know about mistakes, you should ask your parents" she laughed. "my parents are dead" i said quietly. and they were. my real ones. i didn't tell brendon or sarah or mariah or anyone though. i got some help and lied.

"must have killed themselves when you were born" she said coldly. tears welled up in my eyes. i wasn't letting her win. "look, I don't exactly hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I'd drink it" i said calmly.

"lana urie to the principles office" the intercom said. everyone ooohed. "later hoes!" i slung my backpack over my shoulder and me and jade walked out of the cafeteria. "you slated! but after you go to the principles are you going to tell?" she asked. "yeah. let's go"

they told jade to go to class. "give me your bag!" she said sternly. she had a police officer with her. i was confused but nodded and handed it over. the officer looked through my bag. "aha" he pulled out a bag...of weed!? "what the hell!?" i exclaimed. "i'm calling you parents! and your having a three day exclusion!" she shouted. "b-b-but!" i couldn't say anything. my anxiety took control. and i was beyond confused.

brendon and sarah came into school looking angry. well sarah was always calm. brendon? nah...he spoke to the principle calmly though. and the police officer. i was let off on a warning luckily but i was so scared. sarah took my bag and brendon grabbed my wrist and we left.

we got home and it started. "really lana!? drugs!? are you out of your fucking mind!?" brendon exclaimed. "brendon i-i don't know how-" he cut me off. "don't you dare try to bullshit to me! what were you trying to do!? huh?" he was full on yelling now. "i don't know how they got there!" i was close to tears. "brendon lets just send her upstairs" sarah mumbled to brendon. "oh no i am not done! give me your phone! how do you expect us to trust you again? huh!? i can't believe you did this! where did you even get it!?"

"i told you! i don't know how it got there!" i exclaimed, handing sarah my phone. "brendon enough! lana, room. now!" sarah took over. "thank you!" i rolled my eyes and headed to my room. "by the way your grounded!" brendon yelled as i went upstairs. "good! id rather be in the ground than on this planet!" i yelled back, slamming my door, sliding down it and crying.

i can't believe i had a fight with brendon.

i had no phone. that really sucked. i locked my door and sat on the floor sobbing my heart out. i didn't know how the weed got into my bag. i didn't know why brendon didn't believe me.

after a few minuets sarah called me. "lana? phone call for you!" i wiped my eyes and went downstairs, avoiding brendon. i knew his eyes were on me. sarah gave me my phone and sat next to me, arm round me. "hello?" i said, my voice quiet. "lana!? what happened!?" tammy!

"well...some jackass planted weed in my bag and i've been grounded and excluded" i said, pissing brendon off. "oh my god! that's horrible!" but she didn't sound surprised. "what's going on with you?" i asked, strangely. "ugh i can't hold this in! i-it's my brothers! i-it was me! i planted the drugs in your bag!"

"you did what!?" i exclaimed. i got up and paced. "why would you do that!?" my parents looked confused. so i put her on speaker. "i-i didn't want you to tell! i couldn't let anyone find out!" she said. "what the fuck!? tammy! i was excluded, yelled at and grounded for something YOU DID! and i have to suffer!? are you fucking insane!?" i shouted, pissed ofd. "lana stop!" sarah said.

"lana stop! i can't let anyone know!" tammy sounded like she wanted to cry. "woah woah woah hold up! that was your big plan!? to get me excluded? my parents don't trust me anymore! you could have done anything but you chose to do that!?" i was full on yelling my head off. "you know what!? your such a bitch" her tone changed. "takes one to know one!" i shot back. "okay that's enough!" brendon snatched my phone back and ended the call.

"i'm not finish!" i reasoned. "yes you are! poor girl!" he sighed, putting my phone in his pocket. "i deserve it back. it was confirmed i was honest" i reasoned. "you yelled at your friend and hurt her feelings. no" he said sassily. "what!? really!? your not taking into account that i did nothing wrong!" i exclaimed. "you don't need to yell" he rolled his eyes stressfully. "oh like you don't" i went back to my room and cried.

tammy got me excluded because she didn't want help.

my girl | brendon urieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें