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Days after days.

And Keith hasn't come home.

Lance was growing more and more anxious. Why hadn't Keith been coming to school? Why wasn't he coming home? (Home definitely being Lances house)

Was he okay? Did he get lost?

"Lance? You okay?"

The blue eyed boy suddenly snapped to life. The sound of the crowded lunchroom buzz filling his ears.

"Yeah, sorry, spaced out." He murmured. Taking a hesitant bite from the burger he had. The school burgers were always unpredictable. Never knew if they were going to be semi-edible or down right disgusting.

"You're think about Keith again, aren't you?" Pidge asked. Her brows turning up in worry.

"The last time he disappeared like this was—" Lance paused. Lowering his voice as he leaned forward. "Was when he tried to kill himself..."

Pidge frowned deeply. Looking to Hunk with the same worried look she gave to Lance.

"Maybe... maybe hes on vacation?" Hunk asked hopefully.

Lance shook his head.
"No, no Keith wouldn't of gone on vacation." He murmured. Looking to his hands as he thought for a moment. "Im gonna go talk to Mr. Santos. He'll probably know..." His voice tapered off as he spoke. Sadness evident in his face. Which was unusual for him.

"Want us to come with?" Pidge asked. Turning while she watched Lance stand and toss his lunch away.

"No, its okay."

Lance made his way out if the lunchroom and down the hall to the office. The sound of the buzzing cafeteria turning into a soft hum as he walked further and further from it.

For the past couple days and weeks, he had Keith as a companion. Walking down the halls with him. Talking with him. Being with him. And Lance loved that. But they weren't anything official. And now for Keith to suddenly disappear again... it was heartbreaking.

That really made Lance think. Why was it heartbreaking? Because he did in fact have a huge crush on Keith? Or because he did make out with him once, and liked the idea of having a make out buddy? No, that wasn't it.
Did he love Keith?

Love is way to strong of a word.
Love is when you're willing to die for somebody.
Love is always wanting to be around them. Even through their highs and lows.

But truth be told, Lances emotions probably fell somewhere along the line of love.

And it took so long for the broken, hurt boy to actually open up to Lance. Let him in. To let Lance heal the broken parts of him. Kiss away his flaws and issues. And help carry his burdens...

Maybe thats why it was so heartbreaking. Because he worked so hard to mend together the broken parts of him. Worked so hard to create their friendship- Relationship out of the rubble it was birthed from.
And the idea that all that could be gone. Could just wash away in a day; was terrifying.

Was Keith dead?

Lance shook his head to clear his thoughts. Taking a deep breath he put on his best "Happy-go-lucky" smile and entered the office.

"Hello," he chimed to the secretary. Causing her to stop typing at her computer and look up to Lance. "Is Mr. Santos in his office?"

"Yes he is. Is there something important you need him for? He's on his lunch break." She hummed. Matching Lances happy energy with a wide smile.

"Yes M'am, very important." Lance replied. It was more than important. In less than 5 minuets he'd find out what happened to Keith. If he was sick, dropped out, on vacation....

"Alright. Remember, he's on his lunch break so knock on the door before entering."

Lance thanked her, quickly complimented her on her shirt before walking down the hall.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

He knocked gently on the door. Pausing as he heard the shuffling of someone inside. Waiting for his cue to enter.

"Come in."

"Hello, Mr. Santos," Lance beamed as he opened the door. His legs were shaking slightly. Now counting in his head. How many seconds it'll take until he got the news? 30 seconds? 60? He moved slowly to sit in he chairs in front of his principle. "I got a quick question."

"And that would be?" He asked. Raising an eyebrow at the cuban in front of him. Mindlessly mixing his salad with a white plastic fork.

"Do you know what happened to Keith Kogane? He hasn't been to school in a couple of days. And I'm kinda getting worried. As his study partner— and his friend. I would help me relax if I knew where he was."Lance asked quietly. His expression suddenly changing from charming and happy to serious and concerned. This was it. The moment of truth.


"Lance- I'm so sorry. Keith committed suicide 4 days ago."


Hecc it was a ride to write this last chapter. This fanfic honestly means a lot to me. And even though it was my first and the plot was very eH, I enjoyed writing it so so so much.
I also want to thank you guys for reading. When I wrote the first chapter I didn't expect this fic to somehow end up with 14k views. And to some thats a small number, but since this is my first fanfic, its a huge accomplishment to me.

Thank you all for reading. And I hope you can enjoy my next books I write.

- Chris.

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