Dont look.

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Its wasn't even less than five minutes when Keith heard the screeching breaks of Jason's car pull into the driveway. Some shuffling before Jason came barging into the house. The wooden door creaking as he slammed it open. His brown eyes were outlined with dark bags and his face defined by his hollow cheeks. Despite his lean, skinny face he was practically built like boxer. Broad showers with muscular arms.
His skin stained in 2am drunk tattoo; the ink so old it had this sorta blue faded color to it. Wearing only a beer stained white t-shirt with cargo shorts and dollar store flip flops.

His lip was curled slightly as he shuffled through the house and into the kitchen. His flip flops leaving a mud trail behind him. Now setting down his two newly purchased 12 pack of Angry Orchard Hard Apple Cider on the counter he turned to see the mug trail he dragged in. His eyes narrowing before calling out.
"Keith! Keith get down here right now!"

Keith groaned as he heard his dad call his name. Slowly getting of his bed and standing up knowing if he didn't go down stairs his father would come up and drag him down. He shuffled towards his door and down stairs. Keeping his gaze down as his eyes landed on the mud.

"Clean up your shitty mud mess. Now" his father growled out lowly as he saw Keith.

"But I didn't do th-"

"Are you back talking?!"

Keiths blood ran cold as he shook his head. He knew fighting back would only earn him more bruises and pain. So he did as told. Walking over to the sink and grabbed a small washcloth.
Dampening it with water before walking over to the mud stains. Slowly getting onto his knees as he scrubbed at the floor.

"Disgusting. I let you stay in this house and feed you, and you back talk to me? You should be grateful im even letting ya' stay here. The only reason I haven't kicked ya' out it because ya' mother would get pissed if I did"

It hurt, it hurt alot hearing your own father say that about you. But he tried his best to ignore it. Scrubbing at the mud stains one by one. Making sure not to look up. Because honestly when Jason was in this stage, half sober; he's even worse. Because he's aware of what he's saying and isn't just babbling on and on like some baby.

So Keith knew better than to look at him, knowing if he did he would probably get beaten again. But he felt Jasons cold eyes burn into the back of his skull. Almost as if he was daring Keith to look up. Daring him to fight back.

But he didn't.

He stayed quiet throughout the whole process. His mind to focused on cleaning and Lances quick pit stop to even process the words Jason was yelling at him. But guessing from past experiences it was probably just 'blah blah blah disgrace. Blah blah blah kill yourself, blah blah blah other stupid words'.

And thats how things went on. Jason yelling, jason hitting, Veronica coming home with a different guy to fuck. Normal life in the Kogane house.

But keith couldn't get his mind off him.
And him being Lance.

// i love writing shit chapters
Sorry yo
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