We're Going Home. (Second to last chapter)

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"May Keith Kogane please come down to the office."
The intercom crackled as it went off. All head and eyes turning towards Keith as he perked in his seat. Weird. Why would he need to go to the office? But non the less he lazily shoved his books and binder into his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. Making his way towards the door before his teacher stopped him.

"Read pages 56-75 tonight for homework." He said in a flat tone before actually looking to him. "Your grades are rising Keith. I like seeing you get back on track."

A small pride filled his chest. A small smile spreading across his cheeks as he left the classroom. A small bounce in his step.

It was very uncharacteristic for Keith to be acting this way. But for once in his sad little life, he was genuinely happy.

He swung into the office. Taking a seat in one of the chairs. Waiting patiently before he was called into the principles office. But he stopped in the doorway. His face suddenly drained of all color as he felt his mouth go dry. Unable to form words.

No. No no no no no no.

He looked quickly to the principal who smiled at Keith and gestured for him to sit down.

Keith was eye to eye with Jason. His smug grin sending shivers down Keiths spine.

"Take a seat," he principle finally said.

Keith nodded slowly. Tiptoeing carefully around Jason before sitting. Carefully sneaking a look at him. He obviously sobered up to come here. He also shaved and is wearing something semi decent.

But that doesn't change anything. He wore the same devilish grin. His eyes burning in the side of his skull.

"So Keith, your Father brought to my attention that you haven't been home for two months," The principle. Also known as Mr. Santos said.

Keith wore a blank look. He couldn't speak. He was frozen. His eyes glued to Mr. Santos. Praying to god he could somehow read his mind and kick Jason out. But he couldn't read minds. And he had to answer the question.

"UhI've been at my friends,"
That isnt a lie. He has been at his friends. Maybe he wasn't so specific on why he was at his friends. But he wasn't lying.

"Well, im taking you home today. I wanna talk to you after your little outburst," Jason said smoothly.

Keith completely tone out. Not paying attention to a word they were saying. His mind instantly clouded. Dark thoughts looming as he curled into himself. Everything was going fine. Nothing was wrong. His life was finally going good for once. He was happy.

But apparently god hates Keith. Because when Jason ended his conversation with Mr.Santos he grabbed Keith by the arm and lead him out of the school and into his car.

"When we get home. I want you in your room. Understand?" Jason growled as he slowly looked over to Keith. His eyes filled with rage.

As if on instinct. All the rules he made himself flooded his memory. Rules he made to Jason wouldn't yell at him. His mind filling with the list.

1) Never talk back.

2) Never sit in the front seat.

3) Don't speak unless spoken to.

4) Never fight back.

Keith nodded. A small "yes," leaving his lips as he moved to sit in the passenger seat. Error.


His mind basically screamed at him.

Don't sit in the front seat, don't sit in the front seat.

He reluctantly slid into the back seat. Staying silence the whole car ride home. Watching as the familiar worn down house came he grew up in came into view. The died grass, torn sofa in the front lawn, the black impala.

He waited until the screeching sound of the cars breaks fades and the engine died. Slipping from the passengers seat he quickly made it to the front door.


Keith had his hand on the door knob. He was almost to safety. But he didnt have the guts to ignore Jasons orders. So he turned slowly. His eyes low as Jason slowly approached him. Towering at least 4inches over Keith.

"I never. And I mean never want you to leave this house again. Not for school.  Not to go buy groceries and definitely not to go to your friends house. Do I make myself clear?"

Keith nodded slowly. His eyes glued to his worn down converse.

"I said do I make myself clear?!" Jason shouted. Slamming a hand on the door behind Keiths head.

"Yes- yes you do." Keith whispered. Bitting his bottom lip as he felt his tremble.

He waited for Jason to enter the house first before sprinting up stairs. A mixture of anger and sadness filling his chest. He slammed his door shut before locking it. Sliding down against the floor with his hands tugging on his hair.

He was done.
Keith Kogane was officially done with life.
After all, god loved playing games on him.
So maybe if he wasn't here anymore...
God wouldn't pay more games.

Aye its ya boi christopher again back at it with the AnGsT
Wow so this is my second to last chapter of this book.

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