Its gonna be okay;

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"Are you okay?"


There they were. Keith and Lance. Awkwardly sharing a bed. You see, Lina insisted that Keith shared a bed with Lance. Saying that 'no boy of hers will sleep on the floor.'

Keith had ended up taking one of Lances sweatshirts, which was obviously two sizes too big. And a some shorts, which Keith was a bit hesitant to wear due to the fact he was kinda self conscious about how thin his legs where. But Lance didn't care.

This was an odd feeling. Wearing Lances clothe, in Lances home, in his bed, looking into his eyes.

His eyes.

Damn they were beautiful. It had been too dark to get a good look at them before, but his eyes were seriously blue. Almost sickeningly blue - full on Prince Charming, field of cornflower, perfect, cloudless sky blue. They were breathtakingly beautiful

"What are you looking at?" Lances mumbled softly. His own eyes fixated on Keiths.

"Nothing," Keith mumbled as he trailed off.

"Hey, i hope that me— kissing you didn't make this awkward," Lance mumbled as he scratched the back of his head. His eyes breaking away from Keiths.

"Its really fine Lance," Keith mumbled as he turned onto his back. His body aching slightly from literally being thrown out of the house.

"Keith really-"

"Lance. Please. Im tired,"  He sighing while dragging his hand over his face.

For the rest of the night they stayed quiet. But at one point somehow, somehow Keith moved so he was lying on top of Lance. His head on the Cubans chest along with his arms around him. Lances arms firmly wrapped around Keith.

But the thing is they weren't asleep. They were quite but awake. Cuddling awake, with full knowledge that they were together.

Keiths cheeks were flushed a dark red. Why? Why though? He couldn't get the feeling of Lances lips out of his mind. He couldn't get enough of the others touch. The feeling of their hand together at the park. The feeling of Lance right now. His heart beat, his everything.

"Lance?" Keith mumbled as he looked to him.

"Yeah?" Lance hummed softly as he looked to Keith.

"Kiss me,"

anywaysssss  i got one announcement,
There wont be any smut in this fanfic. I dont think its fits in very well nor do I wish to write it. Writing smut makes me highly uncomfortable. There be a make out scene next chapter. Just no smut. Sorry to disappoint ;')

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