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It was about 8:36pm when they both left the park due to the fact that it was freezing. And in that half hour from 7:00 to 8:30 Lance invited Keith over to dinner again. And this time, Keith said yes.

And that was the plan. On Thursday Keith would come over to Lances house and have dinner from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Not 6:40. Or 6:50. But 6:30 exactly. That gave Keith enough time to get home before 7 so his dad wouldn't whip his ass.

So things were planned out perfectly for Thursday.

But not today.

Keith stayed too long at the park.

Which means his father will be mad.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" Lance asked as his brows furrowed. A look of pure worry crossing his features.

"Nothing," Keith mumbled. His eyes were red and puffy. He had been crying all night because he finished listening to Dear Even Hansen again. And holy shit, it was sad.

But he also had a black eye and cut lip from another one of his fathers drunken rage. But when didn't he have a 'random' bruise or cut?

"Im guessing he was listening to a musical," Pidge hummed as she sat in her usual spot during Lunch. "By the expression on your face you were listening to.." she paused to think for a moment. "Dear Even Hansen or Be More Chill."

"Why did Evan give up everything he had? I mean like yeah he lied about being friends with Connor but he finally got a girlfriend. Not to mention he kinds got over his social anxiety for awhile." Keith mumbled before resting his head on the table. "I hate musicals."

"And I was correct, Dear Evan Hansen." She hummed with a smug grin. Smiling brightly as she saw Hunk sit down with them.

"Holy heck what happened to Keith?" Hunk asked concernedly.

"Dear Evan Hansen," Pidge said simply.


"Keith you made it!" Lance said excitedly as he opened the door. A wide smile on his sun kissed cheeks.

"Yeah, hey." She said back with a shy smile.

Lance ushered Keith into the house. Leading him down the hall and to the Kitchen.

"Mama, this is my friend Keith,"


Keith stood there awkwardly, smiling at Lances mother and answering any question she asked. She was a very nice woman. It was now obvious where Lance got his energetic personality from. She had tanned skin just like lance, shoulder length brown hair, and brown eyes. She was also tall, must explain why Lance was a literal bean pole.

"Keith common I wanna show you upstairs," Lance said before grabbing Keiths hand and weaving his way upstairs. Into Lances bedroom.

"Wow- You're room is- nice," Keith said simply as he looked around the blue room. It had swimming and skiing posters everywhere. "You ski?"

"Yep! I also play soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and even once plays rugby." The other chimed.

"That's really cool. I only ever played vollyball but I had to quit,"

"Why did you quit?"

Why did he quit? Because the uniforms they wore made his bruises more obvious and the moment Keith couldn't blame the bruises on practicing sliding he had to leave before they got anymore suspicious.

"Uhh- my grades were failing," he mumbled as he looked to Lance. Who had a rather concerned look on his face. Keith followed Lances gaze to where the other was looking.


"Keith what happened to your arm?" Lance asked softly. Taking other step towards Keith.

Keith quietly pulled down the sleeve to his sweatshirt and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes narrowing as he took a defensive stance. "Nothing." He hissed.

Lance shook his head slightly. Taking another step to Keith while Keith took a step back.
"Keith please dont lie. Friend dont lie to each other,"

"Well we're not friends, Lance." Keith growled while stepping back again. His heart was racing in his chest. He knew it was a bad idea to come. He knew something like this would happen. He knew that Lance couldn't just drop the topics and let Keith try to live a normal life.

"Dont say that," he mumbled softly. He slowly reached forward and grabbed Keiths arm gently. His sapphire blue eyes locking into the mystery color of Keiths eyes. "Why did you do this?"

Keith froze. He didn't know how to react. He couldn't run anywhere because he was cornered between Lance and his desk. He couldn't just say nothing because Lance already saw.

How the fuck do I get out of this?

"I didnt-"

"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit excuses, Keith. You always have bruises and you're extremely skinny. You disappear for weeks on end and come back looking like shit. You flinch when ever anyone touches you or yells around you- I know im stupid Keith but I know the signs when someone is being abused." Lance said sternly.

Keiths eyes widened. His whole face going pale. Fuck.

Hi i am so so so so so sorry for the late chapters. I had soO much homework for school and aH
- chris

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