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"Why am I even here?" He groaned out as he slouched down in his chair. Leaning his head back as he looked to Lance.

"You're here because you missed like 4 months of school and got shit ton of homework," Lance replied with as he walked over to Keith with some textbooks.

"This is bullshit," he grumbled once more as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I dont even need to learn this stuff if we moved on!"

"Hey, Keith. Calm down," The brunette mumbled as he placed the book on the table and plopped down next to him. His eyes gazing Keiths body up and down. "You're really skinny"

Keiths nose scrunched up in disgust at that comment. "Its called being tall and lean" he scowled.

More like 'my parents never feed me and the only way I really get food is by Shiro sneaking into the back of my house to hand it to me because if he came through the front door we would both be skinned alive'

"But you're no even tall-"

"Okay seriously shut it,"Keith snapped as he glared at Lance. "Im only here to make up this fucking homework. Not play 20 questions,"

He was getting agitated. And he was getting agitated quickly. Keith had what some people would call anger issues. And for him extensive amounts of questions usually triggered it.

Lance took a few deep breaths before pushing the textbooks aside. "Okay Mr. Emo. Lets play a game"

This kid got guts. But I swear im gonna kill him.

"We'll ask each other simple questions to get to know each other and our boundaries. We both get 3 skips,"

Keith thought for a moment. "Im not emo," he grumbled as he sat up slightly. "But fine. Only 5 questions though,"

Lances eyes lit up as he nodded. "Okay okay, so first question. When were you born?" He questioned.

He paused for a moment. "October 23"

"Why did you hesitate?" Lance questioned.

"I don't celebrate my birthday often" Keith stated simply.


"Next question." Keith spat. He already hated this. Why did Lance care so much about his life anyways? Why did Lance care about him?

"Lets see.... oh! Favorite color?" Lance questioned with a small smile as he scooted closer to Keith. Subtlety inspecting the faint bruises on his face.

"Red." He once again stated simply. Crossing his arms over his chest as he looked to Lance. Raising an eyebrow as he moved away from him.

"Red? Really I thought it'd be black or something," The brunette mumbling with a slightly shrug. But to his surprise, he heard Keith laugh.

"Black? Why would you assume black? Because im emo?" Keith questioned as he looked over to Lance. He didn't like Lance, nor was he loosening up to him. But that did make him genuinely laugh.

"Well duh. You're wearing a black hoodie with black jeans. And to top that, black converse" Lances stated with a cheeky smile.

The rest of that study time wasn't so bad. Lance somehow managed to make Keith laugh a few times and my god, Keith's laugh was like a angels.

But despite Keiths beliefs. Lance wasn't a terrible person when he wasn't badgering him with questions. He was actually a really funny guy-

Not that I like him. Im not gay.

So they both went on with their work. Lance helping Keith with problems he didn't understand at all. Keith getting annoyed, Lance cracking a joke to calm Keith down, Keith laughing; and it went on from that. It all seemed to actually be going pretty well.

Until Lance asked a question.

"So Keith, do you wanna come over for dinner sometime?"

The gay has commended
Yall in for a huge plot twist just you wait

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