CHPT3: Original Form

Start from the beginning

"Okay mister," Korra wrapped an arm around Leo's neck and began dragging him into the Air Temple backwards. "I think you have a few screws loose."

"What?" Leo asked incredulously.

We'd only just entered the temple when a white lotus guard came over to us with a message from President Riko. The Metal Dynasty was massing an army one mountain range over from the metal clan. The problem was a nomadic group of earth benders had stationed their camp on the plains between the two mountain ranges and were right in the line of fire should anything happen.

"Why can't Zao Fu move them?" Korra asked.

"Because they are nomads and believe as such they only answer to the ruler of the land they roam," the lotus guard replied.

"Which is me," Woo concluded.

"You can't be serious," I glared at Woo. "That's practically a war zone!"

"My people need me, I will go," Woo met my gaze. "What else am I good for?"

"How about finishing the republic!" i yelled back.

"Okay fine Mako, but we still have a problem," Leo interrupted our argument. "We still have what? Six hundred, seven hundred, men, women, and children in harm's way. Probably unaware of how much danger they are in and probably too far away from Zao Fu to receive help anyway. There is a mountain range between Zao Fu and the nomads. If the metal clan does cross the mountains, Metal Dynasty might take it as an attack then there really will be damages to the nomads. On top of that they wouldn't listen to metal clan remember? Monarchy thing."

"So what do we do, wise guy?" I retort. "We're further away than metal clan is and we don't have quick enough methods of transportation to get there to be of any use to the nomads. So what do you want Leo?"

"Blimps are too slow?"



"Too slow, don't seat enough," I snap.

"Then," Leo hesitated. "I might have a quicker way."

"Do enlighten us," I glare at him.

"Get ready first," Leo met my gaze, unfazed. "Then meet me outside and we'll go. I just don't want any of you to lose your nerve."

Ten minutes later we were waiting outside the temple. Leo was no where to be seen.

"Maybe we're in the wrong place?" Bolin suggested.

"Hey guys!" Leo came around the temple with Festus rolling behind him."Ready to go?"

There was a chorus of yes' and yeahs' and good-to-gos' .

"So what's your idea for getting us to the nomads?" I folded my arms across my chest defensively.

"Festus, you know what to do," Leo turned to the suitcase. Festus zipped out from behind Leo and began heading down to the docs. We followed. I wonder what trick Leo has up his sleeve this time. Once at the doc, suitcase Festus sped up.

"Uh Leo?" Korra watched Festus worriedly.

Then Festus flew off the end of the doc! But instead of slashing into the water like we all expected, he transformed. Opening up he extended mechanical part and grew into a full sized dragon! He swooped about and relanded on the doc.

"Show off," Leo chuckled. "Guys this is Festus in his original form."

"A mechanical dragon?" Asami dropped her bag.

"No wonder you named him!" Woo was practically bouncing.

"You are officially awesome!" Bolin was also bouncing. His pet Pako, clinging to his shoulder trying not to fall.

"We love you Leo!" Korra wrapped Leo in a big hug.

"Yeah I know," Leo grinned. "C'mon let's go!"

...Someone save me...

Piper's POV:

The airbenders were taking us to the Western Air Temple. Jason insisted we come with him and the Airbenders, Janora and Kai, reluctantly agreed. We all hopped on a flying bison and away we went. It was actually a rather pleasant fight. The Temple was gorgeous and many people flew about its structure.

"Jason! Jason!" I pointed at a girl with glasses making a tornado, "They're like you!"

"We all are," Janora smiled kindly. "You'll fit in just great!"

When we landed a man with a beard, an arrow tattoo and a bald head approached us, " Welcome!" He smiled warmly, "Janora sent a flying lemour ahead telling us you were coming! Welcome new Airbender and friends."

"Thank you," Jason floated himself down. "It's amazing to meet people like me."

"Well we hope you will feel comfortable here," The bearded man shook Jason's hand. " I'm Master Tensen and you must be Jason. Come let's get you all settled."

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